LOUIS COSTAZ, S.j, DICTIONNAIRE SYRIAQUE - FRANgAIS SYRIAC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY DAREL-MACHREQ BEYROUTH LOUIS COSTAZ, SJ. DICTIONNAIRE SYRIAQUE - FRANgAIS SYRIAC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Troisieme Edition DAR EL-MACHREQ BEYROUTH Tous droits reserves a Dar el-Machreq sari Troisieme edition, 2002 B. P. 11-0946 Riad el-Solh, Beyrouth, 1107 2060 LIBAN http://www.darelmachreq.com ISBN 2-7214-2235-9 Distribution: Librairie Orientate s.a.l el-Jisr el-Wati, Sin el-Fil B.P. 55206, Beyrouth, Iiban Tel: (01) 485793/4/5 - 492112 Fax: (01) 485796 Email: libor@cyberia.net.lb AVANT - PROPOS Avec la seconde ddition du dictionnaire de Brockelmann, parue en 1928, les syriacisants disposent d'un excellent instrument de travail, fait de premiere main, a peu pres complet pour tous les textes publics jusqu'alors. De plus, en tout ce qui touche a l'^tymologie et a la derivation, l'autoritd de l'auteur est universcllement reconnue, comme le sont, en rnatiere de vocalisation et de graphie, l'etendue et la surety de son information. Malheureusement, les commencants ou les Aleves des seminaires n'ont pas facilement acces aux tresors d'un ouvrage volumineux, redige" en latin, ami de PabreViation sibylline et dont l'ordre alphabetique se reTere souvent a une 6tymologie cached. En trouveront-ils l'essentiel, sans infidelite excessive, dans ce lexique r^duit et de genre classique? G'en est du moins l'espoir qui Fa fait entreprendre. II va de soi que les deux in-folios de Payne-Smith et, a un moindre degrd, les manuels du P. J. Brun et de Mrs Margoliouth ont 6t6 tres frequemment consults et mis a profit. Pour le nombre des mots expliqu& et des acceptions apportees, ce manuel serait a placer entre celui du P. J. Brun et 1'excellenl precis du R. P. Robert, sensiblement plus pres toutefois du premier que du second. Nous avons cherchd a n'exclure que les termes et les sens rares ou techniques. Ayant aimablement accepte de parcourir notre manuscrit, le R. P. Paul Mouterde, professeur a l'Universit£ St-Joseph de Beyrouth, a bien voulu nous signaler un certain nombre d'erreurs et, souvent, pour eclaircir un doute, se reporter aux textes. Ce nous est un devoir tres agreable de lui en exprimer ici notre profonde reconnaissance. Nous remercions 6galement les peres de langue anglaise ou arabe qui ont accept^ de reviser nos traductions, ainsi que tous ceux, maitres ou Aleves, qui ont eu l'amabilite' de nous apporter leur aide. L. C. VI AVIS Ordre alphabetiqve. — II n'cst pas tenu compte du L du feminin, ni, dans les racines geminees, de la gemination. Les consonnes figurant entre parentheses avant un mot de la nomenclature ne representent pas toujours une racine. Elles peuvent n'etre que le temoin de l'ordre alphabetique adopte. Pour les mots incluant une lettre faible, notre regie etait de tenir compte de cette lettre. Diverses raisons ne l'ont pas toujours permis. Dans l'hesitation, on cherchera d'abord avec, e'est-a-dire en tenant compte de la lettre. Ordre interieur des racines. — En chacune des voix: le verbe actif et le verbe passif; de l'actif: les participes, leurs derives, les noms d'agent ou de patient, les adjectife, les substantifs; les derives du passif. La derivation a toujours priority. Les formes qaffulo, qaffolo et qaftilo relevent frequemment du Pe'al. Quftolo peut servir de nom d'action a I'Etpa'al. Graphic et vocalisation. — Seuls, les verbes de la nomenclature portent un expo- sant ou l'indice r . A la suite d'un mot syriaque, etc. signifie que rorthographe de ce mot presente de legeres variantes que nous ne reproduisons pas. Transcriptions du pluriel *— r sont equivalentes. Le pluriel en / comporte normalement le construit en o et l'absolu en ^ ; le pluriel en |L* le construit en L et l'absolu en v . La vocalisation de Brockelmann diflere souvent de celle de ses devanciers: qattel au lieu d'aqtel ou vice-versa. II en est de meme pour qaflo et qetlo, qetlo et qtolo, qtil et qaffU, etqefel et etqaftal, qetlo et qutfolo. Sens. — Le meme verbe peut signifier « etre pur » ou « devenir pur », « faire partir » ou « laisser partir ». Nous n'avons pas toujours donne les deux sens. Semblablement, le meme adjectif pourra rendre « de terre » et « de la terre ». Nous ne donnons ordinairement qu'une seule acception. Dans « passer (temps) », temps est sujet; dans « passer (le temps) », temps est complement. vn En dehors du cas ou une serie de sens est incluse entre tirets, la preposition indiquee ne vaut que pour le sens qui la suit. Assez souvent, devant un sens sensiblement different de ceux qui le precedent, le tiret ( — ) a remplace le point virgule. Apres un feminin ou un pluriel, f. ou pi. signifient que ce mot a les memes sens que le masculin ou le singulier qui precede. De meme, apres un verbe, r. ou p. signifient que ce verbe a un ou plusieurs des sens de la voix active, mais a la forme reflechie ou a la forme passive. Traduction arabe. — Le petit caractere utilise ne comportant pas les voyelles, nous avons eu recours a quelques abreviations: (a«) = iJicLi. i (tf) = Jj^ '•> PREFACE The second edition of Brockelmann's dictionary, which appeared in 1928, provides the Syriac scholar with an excellent tool. It is an original work, which takes into account practically all the Syriac texts published thus far. In what concerns etymology and derivation the author's authority is universally established, as are the extension and exactness of his information in matters of vowel-marking and spelling. But unfortunately, beginners or seminary students have no easy access to the treasures of a voluminous work, written in Latin, with a predilection for sibylline abbreviations, and an alphabetical order which often refers to some hidden etymology. The writing of the present concise student 's dictionary was undertaken in the hope that it might offer them the essentials as a faithful reflexion of the original work. It goes without saying that the two folio -volumes of Payne-Smith and, to a lesser degree, the manuals of P. J. Bruit and Mrs. Alargoliouth have been frequently consulted and put to good use. As for the number of words explained and meanings supplied, this manual should be inserted between the one of P. J. Brun and Father Robert's valuable compendium, but notably closer to the former than to the latter. We have endeavoured to exclude only rare or technical terms and meanings. Having taken upon himself to run through the manuscript, the Reverend Paul Mouterde, professor at St. Joseph's University, Beirut, has kindly pointed out to us a certain number of errors and has even checked the texts, in cases of doubt. We feel it a pleasant duty to express our sincere gratitude towards him in this place. We should also like to thank the English and Arabic speaking Fathers who have reviewed our translations as well as all those — masters and pupils — who have kindly afforded their aid. l. a INTRODUCTION llie Alphabetical Order. — Neither the I of the feminine nor the gemination in the geminate roots have been taken into account. The consonants between brackets before a word of the vocabulary do not always represent a root. They may simply be a sign of the adopted alphabetical order. In the case of words with a weak Utter, we have, as a rule, though for various reasons not always, taken this letter into account. The user who hesitates should first look up the word spelled with this letter. The Interior Order of the Roots. — In every voice: the active verb and the passive verb; of the active: the participles, their derivatives, the "nomina agentis" or "palientis", the adjectives, the nouns; the derivatives of the passive. The derivation always has priority. The forms qattulo, qattolo and qattllo come often under the Pe'aL Outtolo may serve as noun of action to the Etpa'al. Spelling and Vowel-marking. — Only the verbs of the vocabulary cany an exponent or the sign r . Following a Syriac word, etc. means that the spelling of this word shows some slight variations which have not been reproduced. The spellings i» ' , u»/' and u»o' , which stand for the transcriptions of the plural GC€ , are equivalents. The plural ending in l' normally includes the Construct State in t* and the Absolute State in ^/ ; the plural ending in |C the Construct State in I and the Absolute State in v ' . Brockelmanh's vowel-marking differs frequently from that of his predecessors : qaftel instead of aqtel, or vice versa. It is the same with qatlo and qetlo, qetfo and qtolo, qtil and qattil, etqetel and etqattal, qetlo and quttolo. Meaning. — The same verb may signify "to be pure" and "to become pure", "to make someone leave" and "to let someone leave". We have not always given the two meanings. Likewise the same adjective may stand for "of earth" and "of the earth". We usually only give one sense. In "to pass (time)", time is subject; in "to pass (the time)", time is object. XI Except for the case where a series of meanings is enclosed between dashes, the preposition indicated is only applicable to the following meaning. Often enough, before a meaning which differs considerably from the preceding ones, the semicolon is replaced by a dash ( — ). After a feminine or a plural, f. or pi. signify that this word has the same meanings as the preceding masculine or singular. Likewise, after a verb, r. or p. signify that this verb has one or several meanings of the active voice, but in the reflexive or passive form. The Arabic Translation. — As the small type used did not provide for vowels, a few abbreviations have been introduced: («i*) = .JttLi* '•> (*) = J_n^ 5 (~») = >wu . *: Jtj L^li ^jj^^JI ^ 5....;-,«.i t Sjla J^ .(oL.^1) ib&l i~-y dJLj^»«Jl Jb? j ^ jjU. L»-I -uJL*y i>>-"j(iiHj&* . 9-lkL-il jJi» iJUVI lUi^i j» *^j "Jjj; yVl i->bT Ja-^j L««. OU ojjjJl JUUj *>-jj-iU iUJVl .i-i* £~*~ j.j tf j Uj^I bJl ,JUI ^ . jUI Jl ml. JjVl Jl w*/ 1 * J| ty S J^ 1 ^jijS" v^ 1 . L^jJI jl SjiUI JULIj oljLJI (.j^- jc CyyuJ i-i-^i (j-jJJiJI iiuU- j jli->VI ■Jj>* >l J* tc'b J* ^ l^j^ UT JJ ,>J*» jo «*^l J»^l of - (>JLI J»ill JUVI ^ j> 1^ JT j : IJUI JAftUIl v^— oUUilVI LJj a» - quttolo LI . Pe'al O Jl qaftilo j qatfold i qaftuld ^-Jl g-J U (jU — . Etpa'al U/uf^ j^So 4* : A^Mslij SjUtfl . r «J>J-Li jl ^rui-o ij> **tr— ' Jb -**-j J* ^v^l JUiVI jl — • M^' J^ -»j> { " LJ ^ t ' jj ^ j- **^ -w etc. 5JT ji - jur, . r ' <«iwi au, w." iiuvi «ju ou ^- j" , ^i £41 il^ ^ _ . v ' j*Vl yUj l' «»UV1 ilU a^- |L' ^JU ii^ ,j .j-S^JI j\ zqtel ^t Cv qattel : e^V J^ ^J/ -^ dhj*d\ aLJ, - » j « Li! jU» b j\ (( LiJ jl5"» 5*i» *»jli- Jl*» JU-ljJI Juill j^SO a* — L-i^U . o >t>\j}[> ^cf- » jl « vjIjJI j> J\>u pi. j »i-j> -w /. ul - ^i^* ^ L,3Ci c>Ll! iA-»» j,jL. jj^i-j J-uiJI IJiA ul J* uV-*J J«i juj r . j p. JIuTj . 0«i. = (i.) 4 J^ = (*) C .JusLL. = (O.) ABREVIATIONS, ABBREVIATIONS, oU-^^Ua^l abreu., abreviation, abs.., etat absolu, act., action, actif, adj., adjectif, adv., adverbe, off. s., affixes du noni singulier, off. pi., affixes du nom pluriel, ag., agent, agr., agriculture, anal., anatomie, ant., antiquite, arch., architecture, art., article, astr., astronomie, attrib., attribut, aux., auxiliaire, b iol, } biologie, bot., botanique, c, comme, c.a.d., c'est-a-dire, cap., mesure de capacite, ch., chose, chron., chronologie, circ, circonstanciel. coll., collectif, compar., abbreviation, absolute state, action, active, adjective, adverb, affixes of the singular noun, affixes of the plural noun, agent, agriculture, anatomy, antiquity, architecture, article, astronomy, attribute, auxiliary, biology, botany, as, that is to say, measure of capacity. thing, chronology, circumstantial, collective, J>S1 SJU- (jJl oUjII) J.> *jiL\ -VI oU~L ^•41 -VI ^li>JL J* ,U*VI > ■illill > eomparatif, proposition comparative, comparative comparative, comparer, clause, compare, oLJi J* J*- «i»i **** lT'^** - j a V £jidl > xvm comp., compl., conj., corr., est., d., 2 d., dim., denom., der., dim., div., empk., end., ent., em)., etc., etym., ex., exc, excl., expl., /., fem., M, geog., geol., geom., gram., id., ident., compost, composition, compliment, conjonction, correlatif, etat construit, compound, composition, object, conjunction, correlative, construct state, regit un complement direct, taiw direct object, regit deux compl. directs, takes two direct objects, demonstrate, verbe denominatif, derive^ derives, diminutif, divers, 6tat emphatique, enclitique, entomologie (insectes), environ, et coctera, etymologie, exemple, exception, exceptif, exclamatif, exclamation, expletif (n'affecte plus le sens), feminin, francais, futur, geographic geologie, geom£trie, grammaire, meme ou memes sens, sens d'identite, demonstrative, denominative verb, derivative, derivatives, diminutive, diverse, £i.(.lH) tjii.( — !) emphatic state, enclitic, entomology (insects), approximately, et cetera, etymology, example, exception, exceptive, exclamatory, exclamation, ^f^ f' expletive (does no longer ( JJLI jij zyo *Sl) -tflj bear upon the sense), feminine, £#* french, ^^-jy future, J ; « * ■■■» J/tf! US3I Js SI3I geography, geology, geometry, grammar, the same sense or senses, denoting identity, L.xAI JU inx imper., imperatif, imperative, ^ impers., impersonnel, impersonal, a.U- indif, indefini, indefinite, }J& j* inf., infinitif, infinitive, jJUn. interr., interrogatif, interrogation interrogative, interrogation, pL(i=J t ^l+fc-l intr., intransitif, intransitive, r^ iron., ironique, ironical, Is; in., irre^gulier, irregular, ill islam., islamisme, islamism, f**y c> itai., italien, italian, W jud-> judaisme, Judaism, W i? jurispr., jurisprudence, jurisprudence, ji jjU long., mesure de longueur, measure of length, Jjt ^UL. m., masculin, masculine, s± math., math&natiques, mathematics, U>L^U J mec., m&anique, mechanics, JJ-I^ med., mddecine, medicine, ^ mil., militaire, military, {£ »JV*«*P min., mindralogie, mineralogy, o^UI ^ man., monnaie, money, Sju nuts., musique, music, J^ny myth., mythologie, mythology, *?rjj~* n., norn, noun, r' n. act., nom d'action, action noun, J*» ("- 1 n. ag., nom d 'agent, agent noun, >u r i n. comp., nom compost, compound noun, ^SjA («-' n. pr., noms propres, proper nouns, > ,w N.B., nota-bene, nota-bene, iJiU neoL, neologisme, neologism, " SJL^JI iJU ox„ en syriaque oriental, in East-syriac, VyiH iJLj^-JI iillLl ord., ordinairement, ordinarily, oU ornith., ornithologie (oiseaux), ornithology (birds), J^yl ^ P-, pluriel, participe, passif, plural, participle, passive, i^f ' J*l» <■ £»- p. a., participe actif, active participle, >LiJl r l part., participe, participle, J^uill j\ ja-ll r l pass., passif, passive, 4h* path., pathologie, pathology, >!^M ^ pars., personne, personnel, persan, person, personal, persian » ^** <■ IS** <• yj*** pharm., pharmacie, pharmacy, liXy* phil., philosophic, philosophy, Jq lv \tf pkon.f phoneuque, phonetics, Ol^l it physiol., physiologie, physiology, ^T^JiJr* phys., physique, physics, »^^i P- imp; passif impersonnel, impersonal passive, x.U Jh* p.p., participe passif, passive participle, J** >li pi., plwr., pluriel, plural, er. portug., portugais, Portuguese, 4^/ prk., precedent, precedemmeirt. , precedent, before, LojL* 4 (jji-" pre/., prefixe, prefix, iiL, prep., preposition, preposition, ./r j^ procl., proclitique, proclitic, iJbJI US3! U^^U ;W pron. } pronom, pronoun, j*** pros., prosodie, prosody, o*Jj? prot., protocole, protocol, djfyjj ??/•> quelquefois, sometimes, Ol*i quant., quantity, quantity, '4 ' «l»Uil djj R., racine, root, p r., sens rdfiechi, reflexive sense, icjUiil ^j*. rappr., rapprocher, comparer, bring near, compare, J* rar., rare, rarement, rare, rarely, TpU t jili recipr., reciproque, reciprocal, JiLu xxr red., reduction (ou contraction) i, reduction (or contraction), #Icj1 refl., r^flechi, reflexive, 4jli j i reg., regulier, regular, -».>• renf., en renforcement, as reinforcement, hy* rep., repete, repeated, j£~* s., singulier, sens, singular, sense, 15" ' V* s.-e., sous-entendu, implied, ^ •J- fig; sens figure, figurative meaning, souv., souvent, often, \j\j. s. pr., sens propre, proper meaning, Jte*~ tS" subst., substantif, substantive, r 1 suiv., suivant, le mot suivant, following, the following word, iJbJl i«i50l t Jtt superl., superlatif, superlative, J;, ■" HI f-l t J~-»*-> surf, mesure de surface, square measure, 4»-l— * ^»LJL syn., synonyme, synonymous, J»iljv thiol., theologie, theology, 0^)vl ip *j; toujours, always, t/b tr., transitif, transitive, JUi. us., usite, used, y 1 **' "** v., voir, see, Jkil s *JW Alphabet Syriaque Alphabet Chaldeen II l i » - - IT • « ©*. — — ©j o> — — a © * — — 1 I 1 t - - r T a ^L ^ ^ ^ ^ j° J* ^o *a. V *: J l t£0 ^ £0 GO. >&». ^ *- -4 £ -V \ V Vr °7 °? a * 70 ^bl bo. *o Jb ^ & Sb 3 ^a q .a. 33.B.S j j — — s s - - ■ ■ L K _ _ ^ A _ xxm MOTS FRANQAIS UTILISES PARFOIS SANS TRADUCTION FRENCH WORDS SOMETIMES USED WITHOUT TRANSLATION Ijt-J j_ji UL»-! Cj^jj A**Jy *Lcl a, to, at, J* i J i j apres, a/fcr, -Uj aussi, also, Li>l avec, uu'fn, *- dans, in, J ' J de, of, from, j* devant, before, A*\ du, of, from, ,y en comp., in composition, tji- «- ^Sj» et, ana", j ou, or, j I petit, ftttfe, j±~* plus, more, ^Ti poids, weight, JU pour, ^>r, Jaj sans, without, Oji SIGNES ET EXPOSANTS SIGNS AND EXPONENTS — ifo| + 7 1 2 3 i T mot de la nomenclature qui appartient a la meme famille que le precedent, word of the vocabulary belonging to the same family as the preceding, jjU j-vi ji g-S « mi j. ur plus, more, ** . ( ?) , forme ou sens douteux, doubtful form or meaning, *J v^r* is** ->' *■ en composition (locution, expression, etc.), in composition (phrase, expression, etc.), Pe'al. Etpe'el. Pa'el. Etpa'al. Af'el. Ettaf'al. quadrilittere, quadrilitteral, ^f^.j • forme rare, rare form, Jj.sU / 1, /, \ ; / ou l 1.000, 1.000 , \ ... . ; / io.ooo\ lo.ooo, >••••;/ ioo.ooo, 100.000, \ || /, le premier, the first, JjVI || (> le millieme , the thousandth, uJVI . yll , ord. f , pi. u»lfU etc. , &flp , air , air , »l j* ; aspect , aspect , ^* . - \+yil , d'air, o/"at> , (jly& ; diabolique, diabolical, Jlk^i . ia/ , aout , August, i_jI . I '*» . ^^ t pere , father , >->i ; moine , monA: , <_~»L> ; abb6, abbot, jjjj ; eveque, bishop, iJJL-t ; ^f. / lotla/ peres (ord. s. pr.) , parents (pere et mere) , an- cfitres, fathers (ord. proper sense) t pa- rents, ancestors, jIa»-! t jl-Ul_> t pUT ; pi. 2 ILotla/ peres etc. (ord. s. fig.), fathers etc. (ord. figurative sense), »UI (iSjUM ^dl oU) iJI . _ Aff. s. i*af I |L&a/ u-Jpatriarche,/>flfriarcA,iJy vf lij - ILaa/ patronage , patronage , SjI»~ . - \ls>l patrice , patrician , &Jai . - ]Lo^\ paternel , fatherly , ts_^i . - |Loov=»/ paternitd , fatherhood , ~»y\ . £'{ , or. & , pi. P>{ et \ZL>1 , fruit , fruit , lj . »^a/ alphabet , alphabet } ^\ . \+^>l boiteux , lame, g j** ; v. n. pr. **^ i , J!s\j , £tre perdu, p6rir , to be lost, perish, iilU t rlJ> ; ^o , Stre prive" de, eloigne" de, to be deprived of f far removed from 3 j* Xol t ,j. (*) p^»- . - h-=/ perdu, gone astray , jJLi ; qui n'a plus, one who lacks, r^\ IL**^/, e. \i+A . - |Lov*=/ perdition , perdition , iJ^U ; perversity , depravity , «taj . - \L**l chose perdue , lost object , *^ ijli* ; fin , end , Sjlf j perdition } perdition , iJ^U . Kl — P* - \i 1*1 perdition, perdition, li^U \ perte, ruine, loss, ruin, ^->\j*-t ijL^-; fin, end, *A^ . - \*.>+*l pernicieux , pernicious , * lS -* . - 2 *»/ detruire , to destroy , ^>ji~ . - |Lojj»of destruction, destruction,^^, - 3 po| detruire, ruiner, to destroy, ruin, i\A t v>*- j perdre , to lose, ^i ; 6tre pervers, to be perverse, -x~i . \*aL"l _ rt |k»ai/, />/. |&II ' _ flute, jjoaf porche, /wrcA, 3\j j ', !&.aa{ niche (logette) , niche , "ijf . I^^as/ cigogne, .rtorA, £-;a>- ji\ . ILasf , m., pi. Ilea] , rfcgle de macon , bricklayer's rule , »Li » jk— > racloir , scraper , *i\£ . \\\si\ acte ecrit , writing , £ ; - i %Z\Ll pleurer, se lamenter, to weep, bewail , t-U t ^ . - JUii triste, jad, ,^j»- ; mome, mon£, «— *lj ; pieux , ^wttf , ^SJ . - |L£k*a/ tristesse , sorrow , by- ; vie monastique , monastic life , iii-j . - \h\ , ^J»/ , pleurs , lamentations , weeping , lament , »-lJ , »liC . _^^La/ de deuil , mourning, ^jl-i*- . - |L- . |&a{ , c. |&aoi , chameaux... tfaf pierre , stone , j~>- ; gemme , gem , j*_yr • I^ojs,] etc. , e€svo$ , bot. , ebemer . £bene , ebony - tree , ebony , »_>>*£■ ****l etc., <&€€£?, abbe\ abbot, j* l _ r ±J j . \L»l poussiere , dust , jLi- . \i*l plume, feather, iij ; aile, «»ng, t-U>- ; membre, limb, j~*e . \ia} plomb, lead, ^-Ly . u>«A')^/ ,pl. o , sxBixo?, defenseur- de-cite, public-prosecutor, ijJU- ..l^- . I* *7 Va^i ou \>a^l, aycov, lutte, combat, wrestling, fight, A^~ i ScjLa* . - &*4J , /, ctywix, agonie, a^ny, ^!>. -liJa^J, iyntiaxi \\ jL. '^ combattre, to wrestle, J*L>- . - l£j»Ja^/ , 4ytovij~* . Ih^? froid..., v. |X^ . im.^N^I etc., /., exXei'^ig , eclipse, eclipse, Ji^S" . N^/ marais. marjA, *ii— . ^7 , /» pot, 7««, »Uj ; chapiteau, ca^i- te/, iy? ,_,»!; ; roues et essieux, wheels and axles, jj^-j <-J'ji ; |6o^/ cru- chon, small jug, jjT . - f^-^-\ ; corrompre, to bribe, Jt,. -^IL/, />. - I>*«if *l u i prend a louage, one a>A» A:V«, ^r^-* • - !i-^/ mercenaire, hireling, jr^-\ ; )Li*4ji salaire, salary, »^»-l ; gage, pledge, j*, . «*of — **J - ILo^s^/ louage, kiring, *\_f ; enro- lement, enlistment, x^- . -\'+*J. 5 *4/ , salaire, prix, wages, price, j* i *sr\ || lissj l£i payeur, maitre, paymaster, employer, -u- t ^^i* - 3 t^of louer (placer a gages), to let out, j*-\ ; vendre, to sell, pL ; >o». , convenir du prix avec, to agree on the price with, *• S/j-"ill J* Ja>I . \UJ toit, «w/, Ji- jj \i^J £ , /ra epileptique, epileptic, ^j-* . i'^J ou ILi^f , pi. &UJ , lettre, Utter, SJLy . k^oj/ fournaise, furnace, Uyl . I*-*W faubourgs, suburbs, ^\jJ> . I&f / ou \&Z*l vantaux, kaiw (<>/" . n. pr. |j ?o>/ ^ , pL jo)/ Cos , homme, man, jLJI ; quel- qu'un, somebody, o»-l . - l*as)/ d'Adam, o/" Adam, /oT j» . |&»9f terre, 5<«7, ,jJ» ; poussiere, rfurf, <_>!./ - ^.)b*B)/ de terre, earthy, Jlj- . ««[»/{ , ia»u»o}/ , \£*£uctl etc., dcBau,a£, acier, jfcW, iVy ; diamant, /. |6u)/ _ anse, handle, Ijjt- ; bouche de I'outre, moufA of the leather-bottle, 3 jil J ; golfe, £«//", j*~U- . ill mars, March, jlil . I>>? j >>/ , aire, threshing-floor, jAj . I'?' > *?f » ( ') ch ^ ne ' oak > Qx*. . (1099/ chambre, room, 1*j ; terrasse, terrace, —L- . [ooyy? autel du feu, ,/ire a/far, jUl «ji. . \&f{l , c- M^»W , statue... \L)l , u.»/ , s'tSo?, idee, forme, ufea, form, hj~* l »j^» ; espece, genre, species, kind, ( _ r a>- t £^i ; nature, nature, ^J* ; fruit, produit, ,/ruif, produce, r-Uii t S_^ || \L)} & de meme sorte, of the same kind, j* •H > l«( j «*•( 5 ov»«u bien! aw/// ! »T (iron.) |o»/ j*? he ! he !, A*-A«/ ! . j ! . j (iron.) Uoi( en rut..., v. ■'♦op. . of ou o/ , d«>. /ctb. y^/. uof , rf., ^ , ^o , O..., 0..., ... I . o/ ou 6/ , ou, or, either, j\ ; ^ (^r^j compar.), que, fAaw, j« |j ...of ...of soit... soit..., either... or..., ... jl ...jl . l 9 71 IO * 6tre d'accord, to agree, jilj . - Uo? , />/. |IIe/ , ^.of , /. |6-S? , pi. \tk-+al , qui est d'accord, familier, egal, agreeing, familiar, equal, t JjIu - |uo| en accord, agreeing, Jii* . - fi^)«of en accord, in agreement, JLuL . - ILaio/ accord, agreement, JUJl ; conju- ration, conspiracy, »j*\}* || IL^o? t^ allie, a//>i, vJlJU- . - Moo/ ef [tot , et f. |6uo/ , demeure, lodging, j^L— . - 2 i*o/ accorder, unir, to harmonize, unite, ^u jilj ( *j^ . - 2 co|L/ ^. ; r. ; se reconcilier, to 6e reconciled, »JLaj ; adherer, to adhere, J-adl . (*ao/) . 1 Lao|L/ om 2 tao|[f , bruler de desir, to if inflamed with longing, t JaiS fc^l . Rappr. 1 ia^U . **o/ — idol [laoj , & pia, malheur ! «w« / !«LL-Tj . Ijo/ baton, JfteA, La* ; tison, brand, l*$9<>{, u?>xpi:x,sornettes, no n$mre,ii>UI^-. «iof o« *>6f ah! helas! aA.' a/at/ ! oLL-lj ! »T. pfof bassin, /awr, (j-y- . ta££*)a£of , a&70Xp3CT{Dp,empereur, sou- verain, emperor, sovereign, J»U t jje\j<*\ U«*a£o/ ,/., S&TX^ia, ordre, order, *__!/ . pi^of , 0&3TSjav6£, grands (subst.), important people, oLaI . uoj 6..., o..., ... L, ; he ! ho! ! LI . (<-o/) || w.of 6lIl» chacals, jackals, ^IjjLj. b*so/ a savoir, soit, to u>i7, whether,^ t ^t. t£a^iso"l etc., /., SttyapUTTia, Eucha- ristie, Eucharist, Li-jUjI . |£^o{ meules, ricks, ijdt jl jJ f[jS"l ; greniers, lofts, »J^I . ^^.0/ , otyxXAoyov, 4o/., bois d'aloes, ato« awfld, yill i^c . \taLo] , a&X(ov 3 valine, valley, s\j . |£\Ao? lamentation..., v. 1 H/ . ^o/ oh! oh! ! J. ^of , abrev. ( = l^ajof ) , once, onces... v «l1^io? , pi. £ ' et \>al ' , S'5ayy£XlOV 3 evangile, gospel, J~f I . - p»^o/ evangelique, evangelical, J^l . - |^«n.\^of , s6ayysXl(TTYi?, evan- geliste, evangelist, J^f I . |_CB3o_iof ete., suvou^o?, eunuque, eunuch, ^a^- . ^ajo/ ,j.,pt. im- * «/ |kea_» 3 /al. tmcia, et |6wAJof , /wz'tfr, once, ounce, iiji . l^oo/ ef ixD&uof , oxct£, oasis, o&ro, 4»-ij . l**»o( , /., pi. taunoj , O'JOtx, essence, substance, essence, substance, c _y^ olj ; biens, property, Jljjl || *a l^toj consubstantiel, consubstantial, .of essentiel, essential, iSj^>- • o£&o? consuls..., v. t4»e>g£oO) . yA.^o/ etc.,/., pi. £*', dtpcpixiov, asses- seurs, assessors, OjJjL» . P-9o/ roues, wheels, l-JI_p . |;9o? , dcu/pop^*, vase a vin, iwro />o/, ^J Ail . rS^9o/ prefet..., et der., v. ooi . iAfc*aooik3o/ rfe., OSOOSffl?, supposition, supposition, ,j*»!_/il ; affaire, affair, jA . '>J°' > M°' » g reiuer > Senary, ^j* . im«.i|1oo/ , lilao/ , *fc., (i>X3av6s, ocean, ocean, ^ji^Sji . U--oo/ , *u , *te., />/. ia» , oyxivo?, cro- chet, ancre, hook, anchor, SLy t .-jS^T ; sonde, sounding-lead, ^y^Tj* . Igtayo/ tffc., /a/. orWta, orbite, ffrii/, jlx. . |^Jo/ tigre, striped, ji\ . ^al^iof etc., pi. /*', Opyxvov, instru- ment, instrument, «ljl ; organe, organ, *i\ . (-i>io/ , wrf. /., grenouille, /rog, itJjLi . »lt°f etc - II JIW *•» , -sw/., belette, weasel, ^j- j\ . r-io/ chemin..., v. «-»»/ . |I>o/ , />/. ILoyo/ , etable, creche, stall, manger, jjI. t JJ*-»I . 1 6- jo/ Loi (Pentateuque), Law (Penta- teuch), (»'jjj) *«ij- • ^oufo/ «/ wa^i 5 ete., Opl^tov, horizon, horizon, jjl . ^o^ojo/ «te., eupoxA'Jowv ; ^aiojof s&paxuAwv, vent violent, %A wiW, |te.Afo/ morceau d'etoffe..., v. 1 ^Jof . Ijjof ef l^ooi , /a/, orarium, sorte d'etole, jl-vof , zool., etalon, stallion, J*i . *-/ *«/ livlof hosanna, hosanna, juJ-I ; palmes, palm-branches, J^ OLipI || v. n. pr. [fplot it \m*£jLo? , a60sVTt)S, maitre, master, ^Vl <~*-L*> . - 1»£jLo( , y., a69sVTta, pouvoir, ru/e, SLo/ spontanement, spontaneously, - nn.^'Lo? , l ii*«J ; imperial, imperial, i£j_»kljv.l . P fatf , anat., poils de l'aine, hair of the groin, »ilS3l jJ- . p^sf/ «fc., taureau, bull, jji ; buffle, buffalo, u^y U ^1/ arc, voute, arch, vault, -lie t S^kJ . Ij^t/ > ^. t^»-f , messager... 1 p-"* ^J * , ^|£ , impir. %.\ , s'en aller, to go away, <_-*i ; mourir, to die, dl> ; "^ , etre convenable pour, utile a, to suit, be useful to, «ii t J jilj . - V)t action d'aller, going, <_jL*S ; de- part, departure, 2j.sU. . - UtMe , ^i|k marche, walk, j~> ; voyage, journey, _yL- ; |&f|» zrf. ; depart, departure, oSkil ; mort, death, Cjy* . \n^y»\l , c. nu> , emeraude... A-» 1 frere, brother, j-1 ; (l'un)... 1'autre, (one)... another, j*-*j\ . . . (ji»-JjJI) : ex. uoio^jj {A,^ n.vii ils se jurerent l'un a 1'autre, they bound themselves to one another by oath, ^lU -u-I^JI ,jA»- • f 1 6— , pi. |L5-/ , soeur, sister, £J-\ _ 4# - pa-/ ; - Ina*./ petit frere, /i«& brother, jm 4-1 . - [11/ ; - jlu.f fraternel,/raterna/,^^>-l . - |La-/ fraternite, brotherhood, "»yt-\ ; freres, brothers, ]y-\ || yL»-f toi, frere, joa, brother, ii^-l . - ILftjLa-f fraternite, brotherhood, ^-1 . - \1L.~1 _/. IfcoL./ , />/. %' ' tf )fiJ '_ pa- rent, kinsman, >-~iji . - |Lai— / parente, alliance, kinship, alliance, <*}[£■ t *j\ji . - 2 ^— apparenter, to ally, bj» ; faire sien, to make his own, 4i*»U- J*>- . - |lui» parent, kinsman, ^Ji . 1 fS} **» I , >a-b* prendre, recevoir, to tafc, receive, f J^ t JU-I ; tenir, retenir, soutenir, contenir, to AoW, retain, sustain, contain, ^j>- <. *.$ <. j«- 1 \^J* • fermer, assieger, to close, besiege, j^- i jltl ; ^o , ecarter de, to discard from, je- Xol ; garder, cacher, to keep, hide, ls-\ c Jii»- ; continuer, durer, regner, to continue, last, reign, d±L c r b proposer (une enigme), to propose (an enigma), (Tjil) ^j> . -IjlLL/ ou ijllL/ p. ; etre etabli, to be set up, *il ; etre payee (dette), to be paid (debt), aider, to A«//>, AcL» II pxax »-/ , suivre, to follow, «J . Ijft-/ n. a^. ; licteur, lictor, ^ji . +*Jl p. p. : tenu, held, J>wi< , etc. ; p. a. : tenant, holding, iuL* , etc. ; \l*Jl puissant, mighty, jjZ ; maitre, master, -L-. ; prefet, prefect, £\*- [| ^» +*J\ tout puissant, maitre de tout, powerful, master of all, ILo*— ./ prise, taking, J>-\ • posses- sion, possession, ij'jtul ; fermeture, closing, JLul ; jonction, junction, ic»- . -if — 1-1 - |L»~of enigme, enigma, ji) . - IjC~o* puissance, pouvoir, power, sway, aUU i »jJi ; majeste, majesty, iJ"iU- ; possession, possession, dLL ; territoire, territory, ~*Sle ,jij\ . - Iv-J retenue, holding back, Jw- ; fermeture, fastening, jii ; verrou, Aoft, t^j" ; siege, j»g«, jL»- ; iLjlf verrou, Zw//, ^^U || |^f ylf secours, A«//>, SApL- [I tyy «-•? guerre, war, ^j*- || £11 ^If fasci- nation, fascination, j# . - «— P» j| l*-**> *-t*» fausse apparence, ./ok* appearance, .-ol^ _^lt ; fasci- nation, fascination, jH . - »~*m || |J*J (Zom Am3 poignee, handle, - }i»~LkM || &» U incomprehensible, incomprehensible, fj+i* yi- . - 2 v-( prendre, to take, -Ul || £11 »L{ fasciner, tromper, to fascinate, deceive, ^i <. jH . - 3 t_o{ faire prendre, to maAre tafo, ,j^j» ; donner, to give, (J l*cl ; louer, to let out, (*a») >r' > fermer, enfer- mer, to e/are, shut up, b~J i X* ; allumer, to kindle, J»i . - lt~oL petit bois, sticks, >Ju- . - ^^.oL combustible, combustible, xSj . VtdoOk^.; Achitophel..., i/. n. ^r. - pLsob^.^/ perfide, perfidious, ^U- . \L>1 et lL.o{ plante alcaline, ale aline plant, Ji . i*w{ et ^-J bien ! hourra ! itie// / hurrah ! ! IV ! Lo . \i-*»V - lUI , L£L , ^/. |C;L , fin, bout, en t o^-T . - ^;~/ dernier, /art, j^i ;%.,£, posterieur a, posterior to, julT ; |6-U] , /. ; fin, ctk/, »l^il ; postd- ate, posterity, «jJ>- || ££-J |aal mer mediterranee, mediterranean sea, .L^dl ^Jl.. - fiui^J , aai/., a la finj a/ to/, I^>-l || fiu£~|a apres, after, j»j . - |La*M*J posteriorite, posteriority, j>-\S . - tfU , />/. uU - f IlU , *Lp , jit;-? , ^/. |£L£-j _ autre, other, j>-1- quelqu'un, jo»w ow, J»-lj || ^Aa ^fmj encore un peu de temps, still a little while, JJi c^j 4mj || \i^T\ UZ-lo varies, varied, by^i* . - U'iUA autre, other, _^-T || \Lackl iJ£~] heterodoxe, heterodox, Sj'j*' • - b*\ti~l ; - 6u|1j^.7 autrement, other- wise, j*-\ 4»-jJ . -'{^differer, to defer, (-^.) J>-l ; intr. tarder, to tarry, J+c" . - 3 ^Lo[l/ p. -lLo*~a» || Ji»[ Loj—ai ajournement, postponement, J^Ij . - |L*»*~mo sejour, j/qy, i.lij . if / •*»■■•' * - It-oL , c. Ji3| Lo(y>ow . - r ;lai, /q/"'a» ajournement, >, j^Ij . - U-oa* ou I^moa , et f. |Lt-a* , retard, lenteur, «Wa>>, slowness, *]ai t ^-U . - 2 ^lft*/ rester..., ». 1 ^L* . \b*s*±-\ souper..., i'. jqj— . l»o^/ , aTOjxov, individu, person, ^a^ . C*a^I courroies..., v. 1 \L^ i. fi^a.'iaioft^* > iTUjioXoyVjcai j| '^l »^l tirer son origine, to tafe ifa 1^4? » /•> rayon, rq>>, ^l*i . *-/— Ht ta^y , or. (j-LLI , de satin, of satin, ^ lO^tdevenir sourd, to become deaf, ^ijr . - |>o4| ferm£, closed, jli. ; resserr£, tight, jj~*£ ; plein, full, *J- ; dense, dense, .JtJS" ; solide, solid, <_JL» ; sourd, deaf, ^ji^l . - jlnvi.^/ h^b^tude (d'un sens), wea- kening {of sense), (*-^-) J'ltf' ; ple- nitude, fulness, ofcul J epaisseur, densitd, thickness, density, SiliS' i ilr* . L^othl , '• \4»?U> > cedrat... ^Hl etc., vermicelle, vermicelli, *jjv^ . ..,_»{ [ graphie fr^quente des mots a lere i- , frequent writing of the words beginning with i* , o^lSOl 5JU- ibT ly. J 4jJtJLl ] . tfa^J , e. p'o^f , lutte... lifttt^*? , c. ^aM^ot , chef... |L^j.f , t. |C^f , lettre... )Ui main..., v. a u . |C»? quelle ?..., c. (L.f . ^a^o-^.? > 'TjOtXTOV, 6dit, edict, *_y*j* . a** , O..., 0..., ... L ; courage ! cheer up ! ! *>*£j ; malheur ! woe ! \ Jj j . ^a.| palais, palace, j*ai . I»^W et \Ui^y\ messager, messenger, tij^j ; legat, envoy, t_JU . - ILo^i*? legation, legation, iio . l£»{ , six*, ensuite, alors, afterward, then, &x* i aJa«j . »7*J comme, selon, or, according to, i Jt4 ^- — =- ; environ, aioui, J^s- ; = &7UO... (ex. : »_tio i^.; 5 67t6-7Ct>ipo?, un peu amer, somewhat bitter, Sjl^it j. »^i Jp ) 1 1 y y./ comme, or, u ; comme si, teifjiu; parce que, because, j i $i \\ i £ . |*3 || , ^ t^J , J ^*a? , i>. v i || J 0« t^.? , J u * t^J selon ce qui, en ce qui, en tant que, according to that, in what, in so far as, J || oLf ( = o« \L}) oil est-il ? iwAere is he ? ? _>» £/l ; comment ? Aau> . p ? *J^ ; pourquoi ? ujAjv ? ? lili || j (L? la ou, ou, wA«r« 5 ii— »- || 9 (a*/ &«/ parfois, sometimes, liLa-1 ; r^>., wf. ; rip., les uns... les autres..., some... others..., ... j» \^» ...,> ^ || Ji-li ou ? u;A*r* ? ? ^1 ; jusqu'ou ? how far ? ? ^1 Jl J pour- quoi ? u;A>. ? ? liU || ^/ «/ jk-jj ou ? ujAw^ ? ? ^/l . A I ^ *( , ^J , comment? how? V.JiS ; povu-quoi ? why ? ? !ili || f [I!./ ainsi que, or, Ji* ; de maniere que, so that, 01 9yj || ooif ^lL.; de quel- que maniere, some way or other, ^L u^So, J^i || Jii./ i^*/j comment, Aom;, ^J*S j par exemple, ybr example, 9>t> . - b*)!**.} de quelque maniere, in a way, U Icjj . - |Ueux.f maniere, manner, fy . - |Lft.ii.^ id. \ qualite, quality, *JLe> ; rang, condition, iJj . ILI cerf, stag, Jil ; /. |&4 biche, - |6\*J arbuste, jArw6, oj-Jz • ( ?) foret, forest, iili . - U^-J arbre, tree, *j£ || jli'v.l 6>*a fordt, forest, *jU . \a/— M - |!I > v»| d'arbre, tree (adj.), ^y? . - (U{ secours, A*/£, SjpL-* . ^./ quels ?..., v. ]Ll . \z**l |j +\ ^o d'ou ? whence ? ? ^i j» . jaoalLf jour..., ». a u . ^f oui, _y«, *«o J vraiment, truly, u»- ; mais, iuf, 4 jS3j . |L? , /. \'/t, pi. m. et f. ^Li , qui ? quel ? lequel? iwAo? what? which? ? tjl ? j>« || ? aL; ( = ooi (L/ ) qui? 10A0? ? jj* J qui est-il ? who is he? ? y ^» J y a-t-il quelqu'un qui ? is there any one who ? ? j» 4»-jj ' || * £*/ celui qui, quiconque, he who, whosoever, J» cjl i ^o!l || oot* lw n'importe lequel, any one at all, b\S~ LI . - \Lcti*l ; - |La*xt/ quality, quality, *jl* . ^MhtJ , ^/. (aali/ , ICOV, exemplaire, iwii^mi/ , laCICi; * - ^a.^mlj , mm.., jaspe, jasper, >~ r ^u . {LtJ ou uaif , sta.T), en vain, sans raison, in vain, without reason, c ts .»■*»- u>s |joa*7 , stx(6v, image, tww^e, !j>*» . Rappr. |1ooj> , i\ ux* . |L»a«{ charge..., d. *{&• • ^1/ mai, May, jU . Ii-.J marmite, pot, j£ ; pelle, shovel, J^j . ytl^l^l et£ -> WpxTsTov, sanctuaire, sanctuary, o_»> , U»4 cable, cai/e, J** J^- . *N»( £tre, to A«, OlT (v. gram.) . — Aff. ^bj\ 5 y»L.f , *fc., je suis, tu es, / am, thou art, dj£> 4 OjTI , etc. || i^ bJ\ , i»Lc^ &•/ j'ai, / have, &X* || ^>. &•/ il incombe a, to ie incumbent upon, Jp l _^ r -j || o£ 6-f j) il n'est plus, he is no more, Oju Jj^j V II ... > &*/ f 6>»/o les uns..., les autres, some... others, Oj^-^l ... r, ^1 ; aspic, asp, J~» . jas/ stable, stable, j-k-»l . Loaf ) . L>Las/ 3 y*-* 3 ' ) ete- ' comme moi, comme toi, like me, like you, iflli. i Ji. , etc. M'p; , Js!l , comme, or, iJ j| j (Ip? comme, or, u . |»^a{ v^^/ ; - 6«>»C**»/ ensemble, together, U. . ^«3» , ^as^j , manger, to eat, JTI , consumer, to consume, i_iijl J d^man- ger, to ftoA, ciJU . .^laltf p. \\ %af |(«aa maltraiter, to ill-treat, iLU* »UI ; massacrer, to massacre, »^i || "^a/ |'»^-^, etre ingrat, to fa ungrateful, Js-i-l ^ || ova£ oii ^af €tre triste, to 4« wiry, 0)»- || I^L^k. ^i/ etre intime, to 6« intimate, iJJIj || ^aj ot&k5< se repentir, to repent, f JL> [| ^js^ Aa/ — \a/ W& calomnier, accuser, to slander, accuse, IWy; U-*o ^/ , Nti&sJ , diffamateur, slanderer, fix j accu- sateur, accuser, jilj ; le demon, tfAe dew/, ulkJtJi . - lb/ , «i/., teigne, mo/A, 5ic . - Das/ glouton, glutton, »p ; |6\as/ 1°, /. ; 2° chancre, canker, aITT ; |6^o3/ , id". 2° . - |Li\aa/ voracity, voracity, ^ . - 'fc-aj />. />. ; cari^e (dent), decayed {tooth), (j^) ^^ . - liAs/ action de devorer, devouring, ^Ij^l ; usure, wearing, Jj ; deman- geaison, itching, JlTI . - Ibof nourriture, ^»/. Ibw. et Ic^-3|m , c. Us|m ; action de devorer, devouring, ^yi\ . - 2, ^3|L^recevoir a manger, to be given to- eat, SlTU Jxt] . - 3, %>ao/ dormer a manger, to give to eat, ^T U ^c\ ; donner a brouter, to give to be browsed, ^j\ . - 3 "^aoLL/ , e. 2 ^|L? . l«*&va{ , o^Xo?, foule, attroupement, crowd, mob, »1£jp i i»^- ; sedition, sedition, <_J^i . y*^ ', ^o*M'j etre noir, to be black, *y\ . - 2 jfta|[f etre rendu noir, to be made black, (*) j^-» . - puof noir, WaeA, Jj-*l ; |auo? , ^/. ; vetements noirs, black garments, - |Lomso? noirceur, blackness, ^]y . ■ 3 joao/ rendre noir, to blacken, iy ; etre noir, to be black, '*y\ ulS'. 4 r ^ * - 3 *3oLL/ ^. tsaa/ combien..., comme..., y. J*a» . v i»/ II ♦ \=""f afin que..., v. ^ . ^aj alors, /Act, -iii~«- . !>»•»/ , to. «/ /., i|£opa, chambre, room, ii^i . v aBod/ efc., OC^toV, axe, a*ir, j_>* . I^ctaatt^f pouvoir, power, olSCl ; pr&t, loan, ^J . tfais/, /., pi. u» r/ , llopix, exil, -ji.Jais/j g£opi/. ; gages, iwagw, ._Jlj . lt^M9< ciseau (du tailleur de pierres), chisel, (_>iJL. . |»il«s{ , />/. |^a2 , dc^i(O k u.a, axiome, axiom, l-U- ; dignity, dignity, IJj j privilege, privilege, jLi«t . nwa.BQ^ , Ot^to?, digne, worthy, J*l . / , 2?i?, nature, nature, i*J» ; 6xite, ^'(Vj ^^ • [ , c. ^*a3 , elixir... |>iMi{ J - ^JLcad^ , v. ^aoS . 4 *ma{ exiler..., v. (*yoMd/ . la*attf «/ > !».*>;«>•>/ , s^ap^o?, exarque, exarch, S~[*~ • v «4'°* nS f > ^?^pttTO?, arm^e, army^^ij*- . l ^i * °^*^ » , iAi|j , rar. &a|j , ^ , s'occuper de, to /aA« care o/, > i ^u.\ ; persister, to persist, flj ; ^>, , contraindre, to constrain, |»^ll_|p^I iA 6Aif j'ai eu soin de, / took care of, j £. }~ f\ . - (3aa / qui prend soin, caring for, i ju« . a*. — A*l 10 - \jkJSt diligent, diligent, - &Il4*a/ avec soin, carefully, ►h=tlj . - |L*&*3{ diligence, diligence, J»LiJ ; violence, violence, »-li . - \lksoj 1° sollicitude, care, »l^tl ; 2° importunity, importunity, <»-U- . - 2 \SaI contraindre, to constrain, * jJl . - l)6£a»{ , C. LSfti/ . . ^of , *. Oaaof 2° . I i-S i laboureur, ploughman, £& . - I Lop? agriculture, agriculture, **{> j . m 2 £i labourer, to plough, £>y- ; produire, to produce, J* I ; r6col- ter, to r*a/>, J*- . L^bdf , 2y6ox, inimiti6, enmity, Sjl-le- . I. If ( = D J) si ne... pas, sinon, if not, or eke, Vlj t jl lil ; settlement, only, -laii || 9 0/ si ce n'est que, a moins que, but that, unless, t lit jl (1 ol || J fif irf. ; sauf, but, H\ ; mais, 6m/, ^ij || U|o sinon, or cire, Vlj || o jjf mais aussi, mais, 6m< jy«/, but, ii. Of , (iXXa, mais, cependant, 6m/, however, ifJIi *. 4 j53j || V! »a»*^a ...U seulement, on/y, iaii . JJi , or. X U/ , 0).i , se lamenter, to bewail, *-li . - 1 iA|Lf p. impers. ; Stre pleur6, to be mourned, ^ • - LL£ , ik ; - Ifijiof ; - LI Wo lamen- tation, lamentation, <~~£- . - 2 j£/ implorer, to implore, J^ol . -^iLf,.. m. -]L?L pleureuse, weeper (/.), SjIjJ . lot^&t Dieu..., u. n. />r. ; dieu, god, J! ; ILowk deesse, goddess, i»^l . - Uo<^V petit dieu, /iM/e govaj . - ILoc^i divinite, divinity, £jy>Y | U lLoovV athdisme, atheism, *)»•*- ', paganisme, paganism, y}> . diviniser, to deify, <>i^.|bM divinisation, divinisation, yb . JSi. si (irreel), if {unreal), j j| ^» a-i ou iJ» a_3j. plut au ciel que..., phase God that..., ...±J . ^.o^f et taiLf septembre, September, J^L I . ll£»alf , dXuaftias, olympiade, olym- piad, jfi^ £jl »A* . 'lik peiner..., v. 1 IP . |(>Jk. , /., queue (du mouton), tail (of sheep), ( Jj>l) SJ - lUj£ faible, 16ger, iweaA:, /:gAf, t iJui>- lJuji^ ; vain, oatn, Jtlj J impru- dent, imprudent, JiU ; provocateur* provoker, j&* . - ||»'v. Hl faiblesse, weakness, d*J> . l yi "^ } ?»i|.i etre irrite, to 6e incensed, - |aoj£ , *Jk , colere, anger, ^-^p . aa^aiif «to., SXoOTqplXOV, vetement tout de soie, all-silk garment, ^U L.v.'V , *-j£ , /., cote, rib, *L^ ; cot6, side, ._-i»- . 2 i&ik enseigner..., v. 1 ^\» . Aif ,/., lettre olaf, letter olaf Jilty Jy- j| b*A va^Lf alphabet, alphabet, »ls*»i ijj •*- . ^ , A^f , />/., L^S[ , pk& ou p3i& , mille, thousand, ->jli. 11 v w — ^ -IvSSk , pi. I et\i', patron de navire, ship-master, o\jj ; marin, sailor, ^j^- . 1 y* •Xs. , i «£■(», serrer, to press, xl ; oppri- mer, to oppress, X& ; contraindre, to compel, jv r \ ; assieger, to besiege, j-^>\*- \ rdfl., se presser (1'un l'autre), to press {one another), -»-j>jl . -ijLflj p. || Lj£ il a 6t6 necessaire, it has been neces- sary, i_-^-j [I |^.f »» necessairement, necessarily, -b "if . - IL*V n£cessit£, necessity, 'jjjJ> ', |L »^J choses n^cessaires, necessaries, -(«&X/ necessaire, necessary, i-j-^-y ■ -k»|^./ ndcessairement, necessarily, - ho-M oppresseur, oppressor, ilk . - 1 'jL] resserrd, £troit, narrow, J--J ; pressd, pressed, JiLi. ; affligd, afflic- ted, ._— sS" ; inquiet, anxious, jl* . - |Lo +&.{ misere, misery, »lxi J angoisse, anguish, l }~J> ; affliction, gnV£ *^ • - (j^o/ irf. ; necessity, necessity, hjj~* ', mil., siege, -riege, jL«- . - 2 *»>/ tourmenter, to torment, i_j.it ; contraindre, to compel, j^>-l . Jbo < , *f , pi. IL&W , rar. |&m? , mere, mother, A ; abbesse, supeVieure, abbess, superior (/), jo <-£j ', origine, origin, J~"l || UA^,» (if sorte d'instrument de musique, kind of musical instrument, j^ji.\ oYf j, {j || leCL^o* (if metropole, metropolis, fl ijJ- || (if (*«y9 crane, jAa//, i*>^ . - (1/. ILSssf , rar. |LS»of , peuple, nation, people, nation, i*l c ^uci . (if ob (i/ canal, canal, SLS . i. \L*l , (if , /, />/. (if , bras, arm, fjji ; fo«£., coud^e, cttoz*, £[p . n. | baft | , pi. \LG*»j , servante, maid- servant, !•! . - l*Jot»*f de servante, of maid-servant, - ILooeo/ condition de servante, condi- tion of maid-servant, i.^U- JU- . liasof j| '\ Dui grenier, to/f, jUI . 1 ¥ if , vi(j s'^chapper, toffee, ciil . Rappr. ' ^ , 3 vif - • * * (l^aioif etc., f, 6[ioXoyt3t, profession de foi, confession of faith, oLr "ill OLj . (iuof forme, moule, shape, mould, (i_JU iL* . oiai? , «p,(i>|JL0V 3 &<>*., amome, amo- mum, JU . (Ljflwf nains, dwarfs, »Joltj . «if , hib. , Amen ! Amen J \ ,>•! . ^ a^iliaf «to., dtalxvTOC, ^oo/., sala- mandre, salamander, jXj? \ min., amiante, amianthus, prtfet, jlif et ^L^\ , f, manteau, mantle, »Ij> ; tapis, carpet, J»Lj . (^O?) • 1 v i(Lf , o , ^ , persev^rer dans, persister a, to persevere in, persist in, Je- ^Jilj c Jt c-u ; frequenter, to frequent, ji\* \ s'appliquer, to apply oneself, -i-^>-\ ; etre present, to Ae present, j^>- . - (Lif constant, assidu, constant, steady, fj^ t <^jIj II ^^ toujours, always, u Ij . - C^(ui/ constamment, toujours, conj- ton^, always, ub c ^U»ijl ^ . - ILai^of constance, constancy, oLi ; per- petuite, perpetuity, f\j* ', sejourne- ment, slay, **\s\ || ixu»p, c .b>*(x«Mf . • r ^iot , haph'el, croire, v. a ot . P/ V*f 12 y^Oty . \l*»oj habile, clever, ^*L. ; arti- san, craftsman, «J»j\* . - l*uoo{ de l'art, artisanal, of the craft, craft-... ilS ^i^; habile, skilful, ^* L. - b*|iMo/ avec art, skilfully, »>L#x . t dr d . - . _ IL&uoo/ art, metier, art, crq/r, 4m1^> c j» ; habUete, skill, «LJ . - |im/ facon d'agir, pratique, way of acting, practice, ~L. 4 J*^ ; occu- pation, metier, office, occupation, craft, office, iLU, t *ij>- 1 Jii j affaire, business, j*\ . 3 ^l pour \|i/ , p. ^fci . \u»l , ar. ^>\ , s6curit6, security. I&am{ , f, lezard, lizard, jij»- . V^O » , Jaop dire, parler, to jqy, speak, ^*- * Jl» J commander, to order, j*\ ; penser, se proposer, to 2Ain£, purpose, •l*" <■ -*if plaider, to plead, »iij . t d * 1 - |ya*»{ narrateur, narrator, ^y>\> ; orateur, orator, <_~J*A ; ecrivain, writer, l _JlS' . - iLoyoaof 61oquence, eloquence, i*-Uai . - |Lo;*»/ irf. ; lecture, reading, ~»»\Ji . - \i*»l , ar. j*\ , ordre, order. - tt»|M , *m|m discours, discourse, <^>- \ homelie, homily, "dot- j traits, toa- ; phrase, pro- position, sentence, proposition, il*~ ; |L^»|»» homelie, homily, j*_. || **!*&. a savoir, to icif, 15 1 . - b^p^»|b.» || m ft inefFablement, ineffably, <_i-yj V JSJLj . - |L&>i»|&M discours, discourse, - . (i»/) . t»|i? , />/, u»' ', dejxapa, egout, sewer, **yJlj . |J»»/ , ;i/ , /. |L(»/ , agneau, lamb, J*- . - UvW d'agneau, o/" /ami, J*- . - |&mo;m/ agnelet, lambkin, j^o J*- . |1m/ Hot, u>ap«, r^» . - \***»l marais, swamp, *Ul— . u&m| quand ? a»ta» ? ? ^ |[ y ubttj lorsque, oiAct, ^ t LL || 9 u&»| ^9 chaque fois que, whenever, ^L£* || &*{ uk*/ parfois, sometimes, bl_>-l II ^* u&m[ depuis longtemps, long since, -L«j -ul ^y. || 0019 i»&»/ n'importe quand, whenever, olS" \l_5j jl J j] ^*a ubM| en tout temps, at all times, Cfj J^i || v*' "**•/ pl ut au ciel que, would to God that, C-J . (...t«>&»/). u»o£a»ofta»7 «fc-> ajJliOudTO?, wwn., amethyste, amethyst, £ — *■ . \? , v o*|J, gemir, to groan, jl . - |fiuo/ tristesse, sadness, by- . - |6oj/ gemissement, groan, ^6\ . ^ , awy'., si, z/", li! c ol || J , v. fi/ 1 II *t "• *>/ so * t — so ' t > either... or, L.I ...L.I ; et... et, *ott.... anrf, _, ... j || ^4. J meme si, even if, jl ^Jj II « ^9 / 9 oot ^ si, meme si, t/^ even if, Ol _jjj 4 ul . $ t p7 > i"- a«"-> moi > 7 > ^ ■ ; /'• ^i-*^ , V L, , nous, iw, j*i . u»«4^al^ —j|I.0h|6«— jLg^missement, groon^jol. - 2 t*»iLL/ gemir, & groan, o\ . - ^-joL genussement, groan, ^ol . oo.\afrij £vtoXix6v 5 procuration, pro- curation, iiis'j . v aS^^4 J 7 etc -, AvTiypxcpoVj reponse, ^1*44 eto., AvxiBoirov, antidote, antidote, jLy . L»*9t3o- i_JU . J-fct-IW eto., fltVTtjpsTTQe, ennemi, enemy, _jJ* . (I£££j/ , fltVTtjpsaia, rebellion, rebellion, ^W ' /""• ^""^> elles..., p. ooi . £j/ , min., etain, plomb, tin, lead, t yiJ 'U#) }»o£jf etc., pi. Q r ', d . ^uwf , La»oj(j , contraindre, to compel, jfr^ • - 1 k*»i|L/ />. ; etre opprime, to As oppressed, jjiiil . - ^j»au/ e* l^taij angoisse, anguish, £~J> . \ki\ oiseau (vautour?), bird {vulture?), \fttSui ou _ij/ , pi, /*,**»', t&va^opa, rapport, report, ^y- ; requete, request, o*jj*+ ', anaphore, messe, anaphora, mass, ^IaJ c j^iU j voile du calice, k«7 o/" /Ae chalice, ( _ r -LS3l i-jU.*- . (iai/) . 1 iai|L/ gemir, to groan, jl . - \LasI gemissement, groan, ^ • ^ n . Nonft) / *f ^ , lyx^xXlx, encycliques (adj.), encyclical (adj. pi), "<^yf- . W — ~*l liJul et |Jaai/ , /, pi. »*.' ', ayxupa, ancre, anchor, SU,. . jltftif etc., IftxiviX, dedicace (d'eglise), dedication (of church), (I_^T) (juioj . ,M*-M ff« £ homme, hommes, man, men, mankind, ^Ul c ^Jj t uLJi ; parents, relatives, i-jjUI ; citoyens, citizens, Oj£>\y \\i*jj & ou \l't£ , pi. \17} iLla oh |»i..i-> , homme, man, uLJl j_/". L;a i'*"i *./ 1**7 ■ *** •* r 'T ••* " [*>/ , pi. |aj/ b_L3 , est. 1_UJ/ bk_L3 , femme, zvoman, l\^,\ . _ lu/ d» iw , afa. , quelqu'un, iome on*, Js-I ; un, «w, o»-Sj ; un certain, a certain, U "\„ ; chacun, eacA, JT a»-(j ; l'un... (l'autre), one... (the other), (j^l\) ... J^\J\ || ^ jj personne, no one, -b-l V II ul^s qui- conque, whosoever, ^ JT - II 1*1/ uj| un par un, chacun, one by one, each, ■*»-!* J^" ' 1 A> "1>» ^l» || uj? ta ou ' r tt r . — ^— *J/ , abs. pi., gens, hommes, /»«^>&, men, JUj t ( _ r -U1 ; parents, relatives, i_jjUI ; certains, quelques, des, certain, some, ,j**i . _ i*-_»/ , est. pi., 1" gens de.,., men of.., ...^Ul 2° habitants de.. inhabitants of.., ... jlS^- ; 3° membres de..., members of..., ... *Lat.\ . - 1Lo»j/ gens, people, ^-Ul ; humanite, humanity, SJLJl c Oj*-U ; parents, relatives, ^jl»l . - U*j/ * - (Ifti^a humain, human, jL-Jl . - bL>(jki/ humainement, aj a man, LJLJl ; sous forme humaine, in human form, (jLJl f j-{ . -*uj^ faire homme, to make man, ^Jl . -*uJ^L/ >. ; r. - |L(Mjj^&» incarnation, incarnation, 4~l — M fijj , />/. v o&uf ,/. i-bJ? , pl. ^tJj , pron. pers., toi, thou, you, cJl . |L6uf , Lbof _/»/., f. MS - femme, woman, »\j»\ ; Spouse, a>i/e, *rjJ • jaa^do&i/ etc., otvO'JxaTOC, proconsul, proconsul, £\»- . JL» I J . \ im \ , M , pl. |LS»? et u-i* ILimf medecin, doctor, i-^J* ; /. |&*a»/ , pl. |k_li»/ , femme-medecin, lady-doc- tor, oJ? ; sage-femme, midwife, i-iU- . - lii»/ medicinal, medicinal, ^ . - |Lal»/ , /»/. |Loa>; e< \LLL\ , guerison, cure, *Ui ; remede, remedy, Jji ; art medical, medical art, <_-UI J» . - 2 i^l soigner, to aifenrf, ^-J* ; guerir, to cure, JO- ; reparer, to rwtore, ^U>1 ; refuter, to refute, ±*~z . - 2 ^|Lf />. ; r. - |L1m|>» salutaire, salutary, j*? . . r ^^ s jo/"'e/, guerir, to «<«, <_yii J prendre soin de, to teAe care of, t J^l ; caresser, to caress, JJ-i '. • r u»Obt>/ p. \L\ } £o*., myrte, myrtle, ^ . \Lm] , fc^{ , |^/ , /., pl- P'l , mur, ix>a//, JaJU- . I^Lij oreiller, />i/tou>, SjUj || iCW ^o pres de la tete, au chevet, near the head, at beside, oU^il Jc t ^Ul ujl . \^aA'l , adcoTOiJ, intempe>ant, avide, intemperate, greedy, £J element, ele- ment, j-^-t . | «^.£„ f } (jTOxx/O?, estomac, stomach, [iogjo/ colonne, column, iyf- . -\l',CL$*e'l ; -lij'o^-f stylite, j/y/ite, ^jo^—? «/ h ', Giropa?, to*. , storax, storax, -^1»««»1 • [*ft"n^~-f et -£*•> ^ flf - stationes, hymnes, hymns, t^jL- j • (L^m/ efc., colonne..., y. ^y»> . I £!$•»/ , ^^. ostiarius, portier, porter, t-j|>j . U^»f , ^J\ , /., UToXlQ, vetement, garment, ujl ; manteau, mantle, •Ijj . |^^a>f ei P>^<» , UTOjiw^a, acier, |4<»&W ? c. 'af , interet... ijn. m ^ Nr" / ou ^ , «/ -§^* ; ^[ } Jot,, panais, parsnip, ^^1 j>- . 14^4^7 ^ '4-' /» STSCXTifj, ^/., myrrhe, myrrh, j* . .oaSko^**? «to-, (i^Tpolapov, astrolabe, astrolabe, t->V^»-l ■ |^ifv a iD-») , /., (fciTpoXoyia, astrolo- gie, astrology, jf^J' pJ* • - u»m^oio^B? , pl. o' ', au-rpoTwOYO?, astrologue, astrologer, **^-« . (Imaio^m/ astronome, astronomer, 5^* J astrologue astrologer, *>^* . 15 i^tguo*{ , /., lat. strata, route, road, *£~ . ^^b./ , /., OTpXTia, armee, army, ,j1a»- ; J6rtjX. — Aff. UM V^n j = D^Ult/ jl (A iAum| eleve, />a/>t7, -LJj ; condis- ciple, school-fellow, ^-jj-JI j jJj . -^n.Nn^iw/ notes, notes, jJLJ ; £leve, pupil, i_Jj . - |Aua>| scolaire, school, ^jJ- ; dis- ciple", disciple, -LJj . - \iSJu*\ et 'am, cr^oXapio?, garde du palais, /ia/ace guard, _ r aJU\ ^J*- . - [L^aLaAaaf , pi. o' ', CT^oXaCtfTlxde, plaideur, pleader, *\£- . KG\ *\ na ( (jLtj || |au«a/ *a moine, monk, i_j*1j || M*a*»/ ^uo|s de facons diverses, variously, ^ fjylj • A-./ — ^/ .** * ? - litao«a«»/ pudique, chaste, y>Ur j honnfite, honest, J-»li ; hypocrite, hypocrite, *\j* . - bl\iba6*Af\ exterieurement, in appea- rance, \jt>\k ; hypocritement, hypo- critically, *\u . i' *' * i - i - |L&'&oo^a»/ nature, nature, 4«_k j hypocrisie, hypocrisy, »L j . - 2 »a«» former..., v. a w . ()&&■(} . I&3*i«./ , />/. |&4"lniif , seuil, threshold, *-&■ j rocher, rocA:, a^j«* . (jxjtfps'tov, beche, j/wdf, ^ilSCi. . 1 ^ > H> * , .a»[j 1° ramasser, entasser, to gather, pile up, ^-Jj" i «*- j 2° cacher, to Awfc, L*- J 3° pourvoir, to provide, - |J-W , onf. m.j approvisionnement, stores, »>t>-l t *i>J* ■ - |Lol^»/ entassement, heaping, ^jS^ . - 2 ^7, c. J ^/ 1° et 2<> . \[kj»\ et lia«> , CT7:ovS3Tov 5 vase en plomb, lead-vessel, ^Lcj J* 'lit . l^aau./ W (s^»i-/ , <»^. /., ffrcOYYO?, dponge, sponge, r^i-l . Iiftiaf matelas, mattress, Ji\j . pa£ka»{ courner, courier, -hj . |;g\t>a4i»/* , (7^GXOuXxT(op, garde, ^Karrf, ^-jU- ; bourreau, hangman, *%? . | «*-■-»— ^ «to., couleur rouge, rerf colour, \*~l et l^Aao, ffftsTpa, troupe, troop,*t^. >L^a«»/ , /, />/. ILSjIa^/ , ffgiXriviov, emplatre, plaster, "Hji . [la™/ e/ ^L^uf , 5^ v, coin a fendre, >/ e( «t.&a| , ./., dtffxiSj serpent, snake, *~>- . &l — A~/ 16 *■* » .* + |*2l~> , \i*±*l , |(*&_ , etc., GfXllX, sphere, sphere, ~*£ \ boule, bowl, °_£" ', balle, ball, f , asperge, asparagus, J»-^r • jt^ta**/ , boL, coing, ?at>ze- ; cognassier, quince-tree, ^yrj** 'j? ■ |^»^a»/ , (JJCUolS, corbeille, bosquet, Si* . |l^.-o>~?^ |» ? a^,efc.,herbes odorantes, sweet-smelling herbs, ~<&-\j oli <_jLi£.l . |,l fc.. f gfc. 5 hippodrome, hippodrome, Olx^. |?bAo>f , (JJUaOdptoS, porteur de glaive, sword-bearer, jL- . 3 u»j»; faire monter..., v. 1 u£La» . L4,aa*»/ , cxyrdXTi, baton, .rtic£, Lop . 1£>*W j /> (TXUTOC, fouet, whip, ±>j** . »/ ei am , lat. scamnium, siege, seat, \ka&\ , (JXiicpos, coupe, cup, ^-IS' ; vase de lampe, bowl of lamp, JjAJ! »UI . , * r J |&&aa>f et \L*kk**l , c. |6Aa*»; ^*&A>f , ICTOXSpaia, mat, mart, jLo . £oi.|a^/ e< £»«•, - ; captivite, captivity,^ ', parents, relations, <-jj&\ . - \\ >a| lien, ian- ; lien, band, Jajj ; nerf, nerve, u^af . - ^u>|m II |fl~ »»>» hanche, Ai£, fJjj . |U>; , dcccxpiov, mob., as, or, ^ . (oko>/ garde (d'epee), Aift, (lJ~JI) lj ^- . \fia,'l et \U&**1 ,/-, GT*Tr|p, poids, mon., statere, stater, jb-J . ]'i&j»i et |i-L»f , pi. (L?fc*.f, pieu sacre, sacred stake, *~* Jjj . l ^Ll , Pour ly ^L , entrer... 1 ^ ■° >iX - i , i3ai.p doubler, to <£oui/e, .J^U . Rappr. 1 ^!!. -i^ailLf/i. - Ja»7 double, tfoui^, ^i*-i || ^*&*-l ^»>L deux fois autant, twice as much, j-J,* ^JlT II |"- *~- C^_x? bien des fois autant, many times as much, j\j» - |*^7 double, doubled, Ju-lJu ; double, double, <_jw~« - iSf , 3|o aussi, et, also, and, Uul |j \iS{ ni, nw, Vj ; pas meme, not even, ^ j || (bio pas meme, no< even^j || j3 «3|o meme si, ew«n i/j ; alors que, twn though,