.at* aA^uo . ii*aa Introduction to Syriac Key to Exercises & English-Syriac Vocabulary \mzao y*»auc3& 4 0J.aa.x6 o^r"? . v ocOoX r ooSu UisoA oiLao aio i la . XOJti &; a '^o-S -J-? ' »** . Lx,o»a LftaaoJ a»1 ^otAfcijAa pis wi*joia*±jji fcdaooli w&ii&i f ia Usaaa ~A- laaa Aaa . IxqAj liajoa oi L*aa?io tqcn A«ei A_.l ixaaaa I-oio . i~.i&o ) oO low i-aolo : fti Ao-» L^«J lis • ' v 6<7iA*» Aamii liiaoa mAk^aaxAo loVwaA li : iallio yOarl i»lo : « [Asa l^S ta - v**J *>* uJ&x i*\ lot . baill aAil loe-Aa laoii looai i*.i, v aai aAvAI : I, rALi/aaaa ■ U*x» l#iao wroA^Ia ._*«.ax:x> : IA; ^aaj iao-o : *»u .-^■Axao *i kaaxa l£iK> U\a&. : ^iablo lotf?! . hooaaoa loilli IA\»oixA : »« I_i4 li-=^o • 1**** tlLal A.sLo ^owAii Jo 0-l|I Xaa loco : ot* pi. a- lA'dio oAlaa . I^ojxS 'S'Sx . "n**S A*ai boaa, I iaj : ^..aabZo *- Uiaia ^i.Aowi law lAlaol i%~>° A u -wld . A.IAm4(S» ft A 10 I O-j Daniel M. Qurtner INTRODUCTION TO SYRIAC Key to Exercises and English-Syriac Vocabulary by Daniel M. Qurtner JW IB€X Publishers Bethesdo, Maryland Introduction to Syriac Kev to f-xercises and l-nglish-Svriac Vocabulary by Daniel M. (iurtner Copyright V 2006 Daniel M. Ciurtner All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or retransmitted in any manner whatsoever, except in the form of a review, without written permission from the publisher. Manufactured in the United States of America The paper used in this book meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sen ices — Permanence of Paper for Printed Librarv Materials. ANSIZ39.48-I984 Ibex Publishers Post Office Box 30087 Bethesda. Maryland 20824 U.S.A. Telephone: 301-718-8188 Facsimile: 301-907-8707 www.ibexpublishers.com Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data (iurtner. Daniel M. Key to exercises for Wheeler M. Thackston's introduction to Syriac and Ijiglish-Syriac \ocabulary / by Daniel M. (iurtner. p. cm. Answers to exercises in Syriac and romanized Syriac: readings in romanized Syriac with l-nglish translations. Contents: Key to exercises — Key to readings — Fnglish-Syriac vocabulary — Corrigenda and addenda to the grammar. ISBN 1588140458 (alk. paper) I . Syriac language — Grammar — Problems, exercises, etc. I. Title PJ5423 .T53 1999 Suppl. 492/.35— dc22 2006043690 Contents Preface i Key to Exercises Lesson 1 1 Lesson 2 1 Lesson 3 3 Lesson 4 4 Lesson 5 5 Lesson 6 6 Lesson 7 7 Lesson 8 8 Lesson 9 10 Lesson 10 13 Lesson 1 1 14 Lesson 12 15 Lesson 13 17 Lesson 14 18 Lesson 15 21 Lesson 16 23 Lesson 17 24 Lesson 18 25 Lesson 19 27 Lesson 20 28 Key to Readings From the Psitta 30 From Pseudo-Callisthenes' Legend of Alexander 32 The First Discovery of the True Cross 35 The Teaching of the Apostle Thaddeus 41 The Martyrdom of St. Barbara 49 From the Tale of Sinbad the Wise 53 From The Cave of Treasures 58 From Kalitag and Demnag 59 From a Metrical Sermon by Ephraem Syrus 60 From The Syriac Book of Medicines 62 A Flood in Edessa 64 From the Chronicon Syriacum of Barhebraeus, The Taking of Babylon (Baghdad) by HiilagU Khan 67 From the Reign of Baidu Khan 69 English-Syriac Vocabulary 71 Corrigenda and Addenda to the Grammar 114 Preface As IS THE CASE with MOST STUDENTS OF Syriac, I learned this language almost entirely on my own. Though I am far from a Syriacist, I produced this key primarily for those also learning Syriac on their own or in small groups. I have also included an English-Syriac glossary to assist students with the English to Syriac translation exercises in Thackston's grammar. I have chosen to keep with Thackston's decision to use Estrangela font for its simplicity, and have retained that font even where Thackston's text uses Nestorian and Jacobite. I would like to thank Farhad Shirzad at Ibex Publishers for immediately taking interest in the project and his patience in seeing it to fruition. I especially thank Prof. Wheeler M. Thackston for encouraging the production this project, and producing translations and transliterations of the extended readings from the end of the grammar. I also wish to thank Dr. Joseph Trafton and Mr. Jonathan A. Loopstra who kindly agreed to review drafts of this work for their accuracy. Thanks also goes to participants in a Syriac grammar class which I led at Tyndale House, Cambridge (UK), specifically Charles Echols, Peter Head, Caryn Reeder, and especially Tze-Ming Quek, Hilary Marlow, and Jane Heath. Each have helped ensure the accuracy of this key, though errors remain my responsibility alone. Corrections, suggestions, or comments can be sent direction to the author by email at syriackey@ibexpub.com. For continuous encouragement in this project and others, I owe a debt of gratitude to Bill Barker, Jonathan Moo, Justin Hardin, and Charles Anderson. This modest project is dedicated to Dr. Gary D. Pratico, who first instilled in me a rigorous ethic of studying Semitic languages and a deep appreciation for their beauty. Daniel M. Gurtner Bethel Seminary St Paul, 2006 Daniel M. Gurtner (Ph.D., University of St Andrews) is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary in St Paul, MN. Key to Exercises Lesson One (a) 1. slek men mditta. He went upfront the city: 2. 'erqat I -Jura She fled to the mountain. 3. 'raq men mditta. They (m) fled from the city 4. sleqen l-Jura. They (f) went up to the mountain. 5. npal gabra. The man fell. 6. ketbat attta. The woman wrote. 1. 'raq 'amma men harka. The people (in) fled from here} 8. ktjib malka l-'amma. The king wrote to the people. 9. 'raqun men tamman. They (in) fled from there. 1 0. sem'at_ malkta. The queen heard. 1 1 . ''erqat, attta men inditta. The woman fled from the city. 12. 'raq gabra men malka. The man fled from the king. 13. selqat attt_a men tamman. The woman went out from there. 14. npal gabra men Jura. The man fell from the mountain. 15. la 'raq malka men mditta. The king did not flee from the city. 16. la selqat_ attta men harka. The woman did not go out from here. 1 7. la sma' 'amma. The people did not hear. 1 8. la ketbat_ I- malka. She did not write to the king. 19. selkat malkta men 'amma. The queen went out from the people. 20. la 'raq gabra l-tamman. The man did not flee to there. 2 1 . selqat attta l-mditta. The woman went up to the city. (b) 1. rt'in'^^-gi r<)s\)^ir< ^\_nT_v 'erqat attta men gabra 2. rC'TO^ i_a_i npaljura 3. rdxAlnA r^T-i^z)^ r<\ la ktjib gabra l-malka 4. r^7rv ci\ *7it rt\ la sma' 'amma 5. rt\c\\j\ PC^flj ,3^7) .^Jj rC , i~i\^.n\cn sleq gabra men mditta l-Jura 6. rdiim ,«^7J p£}ia- cldjlv' raq 'amma men harka 1. p^ -\\ > nAci rda \-71A rCyu^. C!=]^\_a kt_ab 'amma l-malka wa-l-malkt_a 8. «^_^i(\ .^Jj ClxAso sleq men tamman 9. nfi-tv^ ^J-iiiu ktaben l-gabra 10. rdii^ii kVa->:Oj kl°u /i rt\ ndoA 3. 'biirnan l-nahrd b-ramsd rCr *7)\n r^inruA ^-jin\ 4. emretl-atnd'al qrittd r<)s^-,\s2 Lv rf^^jrx^ ^i^r^ 5. l-mdnd ezalton l-mdittd rfK^^OJ ^_O^A\K' rdl^ii 6. qtal I -inalkd b-qrittd PC^-i OXO ff/sW^ C\\\ n 7. Malkd 'bar l-nahrd w-ehad l-mdittd 8. npciqnaii w-sleqnan I -Jura b-saprd Key to Exercises 9. ma emart l-gabra i\ \ ^^Cnrf Lesson Three (a) 1. man ezal 'ammkon. Who went with you (m. pi)? 2. nhet malka la-mditta 'am 'ammd. The king went down to the city with the people. 3. nesbet l-kespa menndk. I took money from you (m sg). 4. ekal 'amman. They (m) ate with us. 5. nhetton 'ad yamma. You (m. pi) went down as far as the sea. 6. 'erqe[ menneh. I fled from him. 1. slah lwat_ malka sliha. They (m.) sent a messenger to the king. 8. nsab gabra l-puqddna mennhon. The man received the commandment from them (m). 9. ezaln 'ad qrita. We went as far as the village. 10. man 'bad I- lalvna? Who made the bread? 1 1 . layt l-gabra kespa. The man has no money. 1 2. sleq lwat_ gabra da-'raq men mditta d-layt bah mayya. They (m.) went out to the man who fled from the city which had no water in it. 13. layt b-ar'a nbiya. There is no prophet in the land. 14. layt Ian lahma b-bayta. We have no food in the house. 1 5. la ntarnan l-p_uqdana da-nsab nbiya men turn. We did not keep the commandment which the prophet received from the mountain. 16. nehtet men Jura w-ezzet 'ad yamma. I came down from the mountain and went as far as the sea. 17. man slah lak lwat_an? Who sent you to us? 18. attta d-'ebdat lahma nepqal w-selqat 'amm w-'ammeh. The woman who made the bread went and went up with me and with him. 19. it_ b-ar'a n a lira d-h beh mayya. There is a river in the land in which there is water. 20. it ba-mditta malka w-malkta. There is in the city a king and a queen. 21. slah kespa la-mditta 'am sliha. They (m.) sent money to the city with the messenger. 22. mana emarton la-sliha da- c raq men tamman? What did you (m. pi) say to the messenger who fled from there? 23. layt lah bayta ba-qrit_a. She does not have a house in the village. 24. ezal nbiya Iwat ''amrna w-emar Ihon l-mana la ntarton l-namosa? The prophet went in the presence of the people and he said to them, "Why have you (in. pi.) not kept the law?" 25. ' raq gabra menu. The man fled from me. 26. eklet_ 'ammak lahma. I ate the food with you (m.sg). 27. sleq men mayya. He went up from the water. 28. npaq merman. They (f. pi) went from us. 29. man emar lak 'al kespa d- ehad malka men 'amma? Who told you about the money which the king took from the people? 30. nehtet la-mditta w-nesbei l-kespa men sliha. I went down to the city and I took the money from the messenger. (b) 1 . it b-bayta gabra r^\->\^ rrOft .-i-i ^rC' 2. man slah Iwatjion la-sliha d-ezal la-mditta 3. nehte[ l-nahra'ammah b-saprartx&^JD fh^iA. rx'imjA ift^irJ Key to Exercises 4. layt Ian kespa rX^fm «^A^ Jf\_«A 5. nesbat l-mayyd men gabrd r^\~\ \^ ^^ ff i"tiA ^t\ ~tOn \ 6. emaritn li'al lahmd d-' ekalun ^_ci\_a_v:\ K^7iyiA Ix. >A .^OTJ^rC 7. qtalun l-gabra d-''bar l-namosa (.\\, n 8. //.«//? hMva l-ndmdsd 'al.lurd rt\c\\ \ \ rdcocOuA rV i~i l ~i(p \ 9. /<7 eklatl-lahina da'badn .^_u_vn rx^uiiA ^liK' r<\ 10. it_l-kon kesptl b-baytd t^\\ .t-i rtl^ma ^_£Li^ Jft-jff Lesson Four (a) 1. /Wrt/) malkd bduir b'eldbdbeh. Tbe king pursued bis enemy. 2. sebqet I- 'abdd d-haykld. I forgave tbe seirant of tbe temple. 3. chad l-dahb b-'eldbdb wa- ' raq la-mdittd. My enemy seized my gold and he fled to the city. 4. layt lulrkci kespa d-dildk. There is no money here which belongs to you (m. sg.). 5. Id 'dar Ian 'abdan. Our servant did not help us. 6. rdap gabrd l-'abdeh. Tbe man persecuted his servant. 7. rbej 'abdd d-haykld bdtar gabrd d-ehad l-dahba d- dileh. The seirant of the temple ran after tbe man who seized the gold which belonged to him. 8. ezzet_ la-qritd da-nbiyd. 1 went to the village of the prophet. 9. sbaq l-'abdeh gabrd. The man forgave his servant. 10. Id 'dar li dahbdk . Your gold did not help me. 1 1 . slab malkd la-sliheh Iwdtjik. The king sent his messenger to you. 1 2. nsab gabrd kespa mennhon. The man took tbe money from them. 1 3. 'bad aykannd da-pqad Ihon malkd da-mdittd. They did just as the king of the city commanded them. 1 4. emret_ Icih aykannd d-emart li. I spoke to her just as you spoke to me. 15. relitet batarlwn. I ran behind them (in.). OR / ran after them (m.). 16. rdap bdneh b'eldbdba 'ad yammd w-tammdn ebad. He pursued after the enemy as far as the sea, and there he perished. 1 7. qtal la- Ifeldbdbeh d-malkd. They (m.) killed the king's enemy. 18. npaq nbiyd men bayteh b-saprd wa-sleq l-turd. The prophet went forth from his house in the morning and he went up to the mountain. 19. redjiet la-IJeldbdb ba-mdittd kolldh. I pursued my enemy throughout the city. 20. 'dar Ian 'annua kollhon. All of the people helped us. 21. emar li gabrd kollmeddem d-emrai leh attt_eh. The man told me everything which his wife said to him. 22. sbaq kollmeddem d-ehad men haykld wa- 'raq. They left everything which they (m.) seized from the temple and they (in.) fled. 23. ehdet kollmeddem d-dil w-ezzet l-bayt. I seized eveiything which belonged to me and I went to my house. 24. rhetnan bdtar 'abdd d-gabrd aykannd da-pqad Ian. We ran after the man's slave just as he commanded us. 25. ekalt kolleh lahma d-'ebdat_ Idk atttfik? Did you eat all the food that your wife made for you? 26. l-mdnd Id 'ebchu kollmeddem d-p_aqdel lah? Why did she not Key to Exercises do evenlhing which I commanded her? 27. l-mana sbaq l-baython d-ba-qrita w- ezal la-mditta? Why did they leave their house in the village and go to the city? (b) I. sbaqn leh l-'abdan ba-qrita K^(\_iT_njD «n~i\ \ mi "7 T 1 rohtfit nifin qritch Hn-HeMhnh ,-1- nW -n m^!\_iT_D ^^3 ^V^mi 3. rdap malka batar freldbaba d-'ammeh b-kollah ar'a rcL^iK' m\-\~i m^iv.T rf'-i-nV v -i i^\a ndiA^7) ani 4. ehad'abda l-dahbeh d-malkeh wa-'raq men ar'a rdvitt' ^^) Xli-VO r n-\ \*7 il CTOCn.lA ft'.'UXV rUif^ 5.ehadtkollmeddemddil >A:u "p:OlLi ^Xvirf 6. ehad gabra kollmeddem da-bbayteh wa-nhet l-yamma Lesson Five (a) I . rdap_ malke batjxr b'eldbabe 'ad mdi[thon. The kings pursued the enemies as far as their city. 2. la sbaqnan 'abde b-haykle. We did not leave the servants in the temples. 3. l-dahban ehad gabre wa-'raq la-mdinata. The men seized our gold and they fled to the cities. 4. rdap_ I-' abde gabre. The men pursued the servants. OR The men abused the slaves. 5. rhet 'abde batar gabre d-ehad l- dahbhon dilhon. The servants ran after the men who seized their gold. 6. ezzet_ l- qurya da-nbiye. I went to the villages of the prophets. 7. la sbaq I-' abde. They did not forgive the seivants. 8. la 'dar lak dahbe. The gold did not help you. 9. slah malke la-slihe Iwatan. The kings sent the messengers into our presence. 1 0. nsab gabre l-kespe mennan. The men took the money from us. 1 1. 'bad 'abde aykanna da-pqad Ihon malke. The sen-ants did just as the kings commanded them. 12. emrat leh atttci aykanna d-emre lah nesse. The woman told him just as the women told her. 13. rhet batjxrhen nesse. He ran after the women. 14. rdap batjxr b'eldbaba 'ad yammd w-tamman li qtal. The enemy pursued me as far as the sea, and there he killed me. 15. kad qtal l-gabra selqat_ napseh la-smayya. When they killed the man his soul went up to heaven. 1 6. ha malake d-alaha qreb leh la-nbiya. Behold, the angels of God drew near to the prophet. 17. sbaq la- mditta wa-'mar ba-qrita. He left the city and lived in the village. 18. qreb I- baytah d-emmhon. They approached the house of their mother. 19. man qtal b'eldbabhon d-malke? Who killed the enemy of the kings? 20. qerbat malkiua da-smayya. The kingdom of heaven drew near. 21. l-mana rda\± la-ubiye? Why- did they persecute the prophets? 22. kad nhet men Jure ngaq w-ezal l-bayteh. When he went down from the mountains he went to his house. 23. qtal l-napseh. He killed himself. 24. la qtal l-napshon. They (m.) did not kill their soul (OR themselves). 25. npaq nbiye men baytah d-attta. The prophets went forth from Key to Exercises the woman's house. 26. rdap_ 'ammd kollhon la-jfeldbabeh d-malka. All the people persecuted the enemy of the king. 27. ''mar nesse b-quiyd. The women lived in the villages. 28. kad qreb b'eldbdbd. ' raq kollhon gabre. When the enemy drew near, all of the men fled. 29. l-ndmosd d-aldhd ntar gabrd. The man kept the law of God. 30. nhet malake men smayya. The angels descended from the heavens. 3 1 . ehdet lahme kollhon men baytd w-selqet_ l-lure 'am emm. I took all the food from the house and I went to the mountains with my mother. 32. hdkanna emar nbiyd kad nsab puqddne d-alaha. Thus spoke the prophet when he took the commandments of God. (b) I. ''mar gabre b-quryd d-malkuta rC'^QjA^n rdi'o n~i rt'i'n ^cii^nA. 2. nhet malake men smayya rc*'»*Vi t ^^ rdi'rCJLio o^sVjaJ 3. Layt mayya b-nahre d-ar'ci rC^.\rC2 rfim vnv? i^n )s^-A 4. 'baren nesse 'al ndmose d-malke d-malkuta 5. rdapnan /-' abde da-b' eldbabe men kollhon haykle d-ar' an Lesson Six (a) I. man-i hade w-manu haw. Who is this (f) and who is that (m)? 2. mehda npitq men knustfi w-ezal l-baytdh d-emmhon. Immediately they departed from the synagogue and they went up to their mother's house. 3. emar I eh 'al atttd d-hi sehat ennon. They spoke to him about the woman who sent them. 4. l-mdnd la emart li att 'al hade kolldh. Why did you not speak to me about all of this? 5. atton-ennon mellid d-ar' a. You are the salt of the earth. 6. hade hi mdittd-y d- malkd d-hdde ar'd. This is the city of the king of this land. 1. haw hit malkdh-tt d- nidittd. That (man) is king of the city. 8. nianu d-dileh-i malkutjj d-smayyd. To whom does the kingdom of heaven belong'.' 9. aykannd d-emar Ian dp_ end emret_ Hum. Just as they spoke to us, so also I spoke to them. 10. mehda kad sem'et hade nepqet w-qerbet l-nbiyd. Immediately when I heard this I went forth and approached the prophet. 1 1. end sliheh-nd d-aldhd. I am God's messenger. 12. nhet men smayya malakd d-lut sliheh d-aldhd wa-dbar l-nbiyd l-madbrd. The angel that was God's messenger descended from heaven and led the prophet to the wilderness. 13. hdddy emmd d-'ebdat Ian lahnid hand. This is my mother, who made this food for us. 14. l-mdnd ehdat emmdk kespd hand menndk. Why- did your mother take this money from you? 15. dbaron-ennon la-smayyd malake. The angels guided them to heaven. 16. b-ramsd sleqn w-ezaln la-knustd. In the evening we left and went to the synagogue. 17. emar iso' msihd d-nahnan me/hd- nan d-ar' a. Jesus Christ said, "we are the salt of the earth. " 18. Manu gabrd dalkon dbar Iwdt. Who is the man who led you unto me? 19. l-mdnd la ekal I- Key to Exercises melha hay da-nsabn men mditta. Why did they not eat that salt which we took from the city? 20. hade-i malktah d-ar'a hade. This is the queen of this land. 21. aykanna da-sbaqat_ napsa l-pagra selqat rufia la-smayya. As the soul left the body, the spirit went to heaven. 22. redpet_ la-kfaldbab l-medbra w-tamman qetjel leh. I pursued my enemy to the wilderness and there I killed him. 23. kad sma' la-nbiya mehda np_aq w-ezal ba[reh. When they heard the prophet, immediately they went after him. 24. hade attta emmhoni d-halen gabre. This woman is the mother of these men. 25. hu demar lak kollah hade slilnt d-malka da-mditja. He that told you all this is the messenger of the king of the city. 26. manit da-dbar-ennon l-madbra. Who is it that guided them to the wilderness? 27. manu d-nesbat hanon puqdane menneh? Who is (the one) from whom you took those commandments? 28. aykanna ebad b-madbra hanon? How did they perish in the wilderness? (b) 1 . Hade-y knusta d-kollhon ' amine d-ar'a rdvirC.T rdiOiA. .^oml-i.T ffi\_rcuji _,ro r\i 7. Manu-w da-rdag batjeh la-Ueldbaba 'ad nahra 8. Gabra hand sbaq atttjh ba-qrita Lesson Seven (a) I . hzayn l-'edta da-bnaw b-haw atja. We saw the church which they built in that place. 2. la etet_ Iwathon. I did not come to them. 3. b'a gabra la-nbiya b- kollah mditta. The man searched for the prophet throughout the city. 4. l-mana etjiyton l-harka. Why did you (m.p.) come here? 5. manu da-hzayt tamman. Who did you (m. s.) see there? 6. batar hade sleq men 'edta kollhon da-hwaw bah. After this all who were in the church went from it. 1. emar iso 1 da-b-koll-zban meskene it Ikon 'ammkon li den la b-koll-zban it Ikon. Jesus said. "You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me with you. " 8. dabreh Iwakin. He guided him to us. 9. manu d-qqtleh la-nbiya? Who is he who killed Key to Exercises the prophet? 10. bndtji d-haw gabrd Id etjiy. The daughters of that man did not come. 1 1 . hdkannd pqadtan malktji. In this nay the queen commanded me. 1 2. kad hzayn-ennon hdiyn b-hon. When we saw them we rejoiced in them (in. p. ). 1 3. hana-w 'abddk d-'adran. This is your servant who helped me. 14. l-mdnd Id sma'kon. Why did he not listen to you (m.pl.)? 15. hit nqtreh l-nuqddnd elld hi Id ntarteh. He kept the commandment but she did not keep it. 16. ekal l-lahnid kolleh. They ate all of the bread. 17. sbaqn (or sabqan) 'am beldbdbd. We left with the enemy. OR He abandoned us with the enemy. 18. rdapieh atttd l-'abddh men lwat_dh. The woman drove her servant from her presence. 19. salheh la-slihd l-hdde mdittd malkd. The king sent the messenger to this city. 20. dahbd d-ehdeh layt b-bayteh. The gold which he took is not in his house. 21 . kad hzaw 'edtd da- bnd Ihon malkd da-mdittd hdi bah. When they saw the church which the king of the city built for them they rejoiced in it. 22. hand gabrd breh-wd d-aldhd. This man was the son of God. 23. kad ramsd-wd 'barteh l-nahrd. When it was evening I crossed the river. 24. end nsabteh l-kespd menneh. I took the money from him. 25. b-haw atjd bnaw 'edtd l-meskene. In that place they built a church for the poor. 26. b-hdnon yawmdtd layt-wd Ian lahmd. In those days we had no bread. (b) 1 . emar da-b-koll-zban it_ Ian meskene 'amman 2. w-b-hanon yawmdtd hdi b- edtd da-bneh l-hon b-haw atjd 6mn ^_omi mA^n rt'^ns ~i o_i:u> rc'^Oj&.j ^_cucnaa 3. Bnayyeh d-hdnd gabrd qtal l-lfeldbdbd da-mdinathon ^omkvj-'^:! rc'-t-iaK ~i\ oA\_d r) )&a\ rC\i\.j \ r<\r 4. Sabqan 'am b'eldbdban ~i-n\ v ~i _^ix_ J^7 IT 5. hdkannd d-malkd pqadw-ap'bad n~ls arC'o t n°> rc'-t \*m ix' nm 6. batreh kollhon npaq den menndh mdittd l-ture rc'ic^A K'ivjrOj rh-O: ^_j^ ^_cniji nn'M cbi^jD 7. Hzaytondh l-atnd d-selqal b-saprd l-baytdh d-rdhemtah? Key to Exercises 8. Sem'ei 'al kdrdzut_d da-nbiyd ineiinlion qassise Lesson Nine (a) I . gabrd hakkimd. The wise man. 2. Nes.se Jdbdhl d-seday. The good women who are beside me. 3. malkutd hachd. The new kingdom. 4. ImtUeh saggidtd d- dileh. His many daughters. 5. l '6dta qaddisk'i. The holy church. 6. malke rawrbe. The great kings. 7. yauviata sappire. The beautiful days. 8. bnayndsd 'attire. The rich people. 9. melhd bis[d. The bad salt. 10. pagreh qaddisa. His holy body. 1 1. nihil qaddisa 2 . The holy spirit. 12. knuscUd saggi'dhl. The many synagogues. 13. 'edatd rawrbdtfi. The big churches. 14. madbrd riibii. The great desert. 15. emm hakkimtd. My wise mother. 1 6. malake qaddise. The holy angels. 1 7. b'eldbdbe bise. The wicked enemies. 18. 'abde.tdbe sedeh. The good seirants (are) beside her. 19. bdtte saggi'e. The many houses. 20. puqddnhon rabbd. Their great commandment. 2 1 . Rdhmd hdattd da-hldp_aw. The new friend which is for his sake. OR The new friend instead of him. 22. ar'dk rabbtd. Your great land. 23. qritd 'attirnl. The rich village. 24. qerydtd saggidtd. The many villages. 25. lahmd saggi'd sedayk. (There is) much bread beside you. OR There is much bread near you. 26. mdittd qaddistd. The holy city. 27. rdhme 'attire. The rich friends. 28. qassisd yuddyd. The Jewish elder. 29. mdindtd rahhiqatji. The distant cities. 30. baytd qarribd. The nearby house. (b) ! . r^i-i \^ ono *fl. ■ t " hakkim-ii gabrd. The man is wise. 2 i^ri'^n fr \ ^__xjr<' «^ri!^ tdbdn-ennen nesse d-sed. The women beside me are good. 3. rx^ o a W _,(T} rC^rUi hadjd-y malkutd. The kingdom is new. 4. crA-,^ cn&vln «^_xjr< ^_rCjj££D saggi'dn-ennen bndteh d-dileh. Many are the daughters who belong to him. OR He has many daughters. 5. rC'^vxv _ifD nclx_j:un qnddisd-y 'edki. The church is holy. h r v'-VW oocn ^-lini' rawrbin-waw malke. The kings were great. 1 '. v?)sCj){\-i ncim -^ • °> t sappirin-waw yawmdtfi. The days were beautiful. K n'r \". >-i nom rC'H-iilW ' attirin-waw bnayndsd. The people were See Thaekston's grammar, p. 30 n. I. 10 Key to Exercises rich. 9. rdiA^n _iO} r^T .-i bisa-y melha. The salt is bad. 10. cnT_^& citT) ,t ii_p qaddis-u pagreh. His body is holy. 1 1 . rdwcn _jCO rdr_iU3 qaddisa-y ruhci. The spirit is holy. 12. P^)(\ ▼ n > a ^ tnr / re' . \Vn unoo/'niuennpn kutiintfi TUp synagogues are many. 13. PC^rL^. .. ^ irC* ^_^TOT rawrban-ennen ' edata. The churches are big. 14. (X'TJDrOj ono zx\ ra£-/< madbra. The desert is great. 1 5 dirt _>no Pdin_i_a_»j Hakkima-y emm. My mother is wise. 16. ndirc^n oorn ^_lx_iXJ3 qaddisin-waw malake. The angels were holy. 1 7. rx'-i-niV v -i noon _ _^t .-i bisin-waw b'eldbabe. The enemies were wicked. 18. rh-inrt'^. K*.l n \ . ocirn ^^jp^jabjn-waw'abdesedeh. The servants beside her were good. 19. rC^sva „ ^ >rx* ^_r^\£0 saggi' an-ennen batte. The houses are many. 20. ^__onuu3Cia cim rn rabb-u pukdanhon. Their commandment is great. 21 .rnnov\vo p£5i*n ocn i\x»j Hdet_-u rahma da-hlapaw. The friend is new for his sake. 22. irys^TK' _joq} ^^ai'ciT 3. Saggi' in hwaw bnayyeh ctl^Ld ciom '\rC . s^m 4. Hditjn ennon batthon b-mdittd 5. Yehbeildh la-ktdbe d-yabt li -A ^3Q3_,n rdiii^^A &A &JDm_, 6. Rabb b-inalkuta hwaw bnayyi >_j-i3 ciciro rt'^o^ \*7in rn 12 Key to Exercises 7. Rba-ay hwa mditta hadta men haw dhyayn bah m ndai Lesson Ten (a) 1 . atton-ennon nuhra d-'almd. You (nip) are the light of the world. 2. kad nhar-wa sapra dmek. They slept while the morning was bright. 3. 'raq 'abda bissa w-la ida' mareh d-ayka-u. The wicked servant fled and his lord did not know where he was. 4. hade-y melha sarrirta da-nbiye. This was the true word of the prophets. 5. bdtar hade hpak kahna l-haykla 'am talmidu. After this, the priest returned to the temple with his disciples. 6. eskahu kad yateb 'am rabbay- kahne. They found him as he was sitting with the chief priests. 1. kad hapket l- bayta yatbet. When I returned to the house, I sat down. 8. sarrira'h la idayn- nan. Truly we did not know. 9. dmek 'abday malka b-haykla. The sen-ants of the king went to sleep in the palace. 10. kad hapket hzet_ nuhra d-naher b-ideh d- mare bayta. When I returned, I saw a light which was shining in the hand of the master of the house. 1 1 . l-mana rdaptan men Iwatjik. Why did you drive me from your presence? 12. saggi ba'eyn-wayn ella la eskahnay l-maran. Many of us were searching but we did not find our master. 13. meskena had ayt d-yat_eb-wa Iwat tar' eh d-haw 'attird. There is a poor man who was sitting before the gate of the rich (man).. 14. b-rasit ayt-aw hwa melha. w-haw melha ayt-aw-wa Iwat alaha. w-alaha h-aw-wa haw melha. liana h-aw-wa b-rash Iwat alalia, koll b- ideh-wa... In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. And God was the word. This (one) was with God in the beginning. All (things) were (made) by his hand... (b) 1 . Hzayt li nahet_-na la-qrha z'ora qarrib-ah l-mditta rx'^v^rOiA rhn_.T_o ix'tcl^ k'^-jTjqA rding" ^Ulj _iA Js\_j\->j 2. hebn 'am talmidan karribeh and 3. Rabb-wat_malkut_an b-yawmeh d-malka 4. Rdaptiw menni 5. yedet_ d-hakkimin-waw bnaynasa la b-koll-zban ^-g\\-\~i t<\ pc't \l \~i ciorn .^«*n i -\ via X^vn_i 6. Eskahneh leh b-haykla rclLifnzi mA fnunTK 1 7. Kad res-abahatd yat_eb-wa 'amhon talmideh w-rahmeh sarrireh iqed 'edtq 13 Key to Exercises ot^ijjTO m:\_il7i\i\ ^iniii K'omjD^-j r?)&cnnr? _ri :o Lesson Eleven (a) 1. end-nd rd'ydtfibd. rd'd.idbd miQseh sat am hlan 'dneh. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd puts down his soul for the sake of his sheep. 2. haw den iso' (jam qddm hegmona wa-sleh hegmona w-emar leh. att-u malka da- yhuddye. einar leh iso' att email. But then Jesus rose in front of the governor and the governor asked him and said to him. Are you the king of the Jews? Jesus said to him: "yon said (so)." 3. qdymin-waw den rabbay-kayne w- azzizazd' it dklin-waw. But the chief priests were rising and they were strongly slandering him. 4. Qam men slot_eh w-etji lwdt_ talmiday w-eskah-ennon kaddemkin. He rose from his prayer and he came unto his disciples and he found them as they were sleeping. 5. w-'al iso' l-oreslem l-haykla w-hzd kollmedem. And Jesus entered Jerusalem to the temple and he saw everything. 6. b-yawme herodes malka et_aw mguse men madnhd l-oreslem w-amrin. ayka malka da-yhudaye... hzen ger kawkheh b-madnhd. hi the days of Herod the king magi came from the east to Jerusalem and they said, "where is the king of the Jews, " indeed we saw his star in the east... 1. Hdnon den kad sma' men malka ezal w-hd qddmayhon 'dammd. d-etji qam I' el men ayka d-ayt-awjalya. But when they heard, they went out from the king and lo, it rose before them until it came above from where the child was. 8. Mann d-sdm l-kawkbe ba-smayyd. Who is he who put the stars in the heavens? 9. Kad hzd hegmona Jalyeh w-sd'el d-mdn d-'dder leh. When the governor saw his child, he rose and asked, "who is helping to him?" 10. Hzaw rd'awwdtd d- mitt 'dndhon kollhdh d-dilhon. The shepherds saw all their sheep which died which belonged to them. 1 1 . Qam nbiyd qddm-aw w-dmar d-'a'el-na l-baytdh d- attdk. The prophet rose before the king and said. "I am entering the house of your wife." 12. Kad hzaw kdhne nuhrd da-bmadnhd ida 'd-qd'em pdrdqa d-hu nuhrd d-'dlmd. When the priests saw the light which is in the east they knew of the rising of the savior who is the light of the world. (b) \.Qdmet qddmaw 'dammd d-i[ebi2)h-i3 r£2n\± iCTKCnruo &Oi£) 2. 'aln bayteh d-gabrd btidn-nan b'eldbdban 3. Ida' mell[eh-waw da-nbiyd sarririn ^JA->\jz. m)sA^i rV .1 n nam a^n_i 4. Eskah ydtjib b-madbrd 'ammhon id' awwdtjj 14 Key to Exercises 5. Sarrird'uld xed'et_ayka hwd rc'om r£j±-,r< !kL rd\ i(\_.r<'T_.T_r. 6. Bate/ - /?««• hpak hegmond l-edteh l anmihon talmideh 7. Et_aw mguse bat in l-talyd kawkbeh hzaw b-smayyd 8. Ydtba-wayn l al l-turd I'el men l-mdittd K'kvjj.-Cn «^3 \s \ ffT^jA Jlv ^_jCirn rdnX\_i 9. A yka mdittd d-malkd d-ar'a hade 1 0. Radpet bdtar l-b'eldbdbi lwdt_ madbra, w-ayka qqtlel hennon ^_n_iqp h\\ n r?-\ .tr* rtxarOj )i\n\ .-i-n\\"-i\ t^\_d ^^t Lesson Twelve (a) 1. melltd da-ktiba. The word which was written. 2. Puqdane da-pqidin I- abaw. The commandments which were commanded to his father. 3. Lahma d- akil. The bread which was eaten. 4. malaka d-slih l-alaha. The angel which was sent to God. 5. dahbd d-ahid men haykla. The gold which was seized from the temple. 6. Attta d-qtila l-ahi. The woman who killed my brother. 7. Melle d- smi'an-way. The words which were heard. 8. talya da-ylid The child who was born. 9. ktabe d-simin Iwat abuk. The books which were put in the presence of your father. 10. Bayta da-bne-wd l-aho. The house which was built for his brothers. 1 1 . kawkbe da-hzin b-smayye. The stars which were seen in the heavens. 1 2. c ana d-ba'yd l-rd'yd. The sheep which were sought by the shepherd. 13. mrahhmanuta da-prisd 'al bnaynasa. The mercy which was spread over the people. 14. bnayya da-rhimin l-abuhon. The sons who loved their fathers. (b) 1. w-ehad ayti' u l-bayteh d-rab kahneh. w-sem'on et_a-wa batreh men ruhqd. w-sdm den nurd mesa't dartd. wa-ytabin-wu hdarah. wa-yatjb-wa ap haw senion bayndthon. w-\iezdt_eh 'laymta hdd d-yateb lwat_ nurd, w-herat beh w- amrd. Ap hannd 'ameh-wd. Hu den kpar wemar. attta la ydde'-nd leh. ap att mennhon att. kepa den emar Id hwet_ w-bd[dr sa'd hdd hrend emar srird'it ap hand 'ameh-wd ap glilayd-u ger. dinar kepa, gabrd la yade-nd manna d-emar att. And they seized him and brought him to the house of the high priests. And Simon was going behind him from a distance. Then they put afire in the midst of the courtyard. And they were sitting around it. And Simon was also sitting among them. And a certain maiden saw him who was sitting beside the fire. And she paid heed to him (noticed him) and (she) said, This (man) was also with him. But he denied it and said. "Woman, I do not know him" You are also from them. 15 Key to Exercises But Peter said. I am not. And after he said (that), another said, "Truly this (man) was also with him. for he also is a Galilean. Peter said. "Man I do not know what you are talking about. " 2. Emar leh pilqtos. malka att. aiiiiir leh iso' . att emart d-malka end end l-hcide Hid ena. wa-l-hdde et\et_ l-'almd. Pilate said to him. "You are a king. " (or, "Are yon a king?"). Jesus said to him. "You (yourself) said that I am a king. For this I was horn. And for this I came into the world. 3. saggain -ennon awwdne bayt abi. Many are the lodgings (in) the house of my father. (c) I. Kadqdmeleskaheidkilmididmikin ^-> -^i -ixl^iA^u & vi s t r< £oix> a^ 2. ezal l-aykd da-ylidjalyd d-kawkbeh d-hza b-madnhd 3. Hzdk ahdkydtjelnn ba-msa ' at_d-dartd 'ameh 4. Kad emar hegmdnd leh nielkd da-yhudaye? Emar, 'la emret_ d-malkd-nd. Emart att 5. Aykdtjdye da-ylidin tamman .^^j^n , - ^ A ^ rC'iW^ r?-\ t y? 6. 'laymd heir l-'laymtd d-ra'yd l-'aneh d-abeh (TL^jr< aiAjCn rx" ■% in rt'koi t \\ \ t_u rd^ri i\s 7. Emar Iso', dmeskene hwaw ' ammaykon b-koll-zban 8. Kad hzd l-'edtd hadtd d-bne malka l-hon. hdi rabt'h 'am-aw a_iXii «^_omA rcS\> ^C±^^ k^\:uj r<^n-^A o\jj n_a 9. Hakannd nutlkd izaqdan ^jUD°i r?-\\y> rCucn 10. l-mdna la etavton lwat->)bc& .^ak-.^K' r<\ iXLi^iA 16 Key to Exercises Lesson Thirteen (a) 1. l-mdnd sdbe att l-mektal ennon. Why do you want to kill them? 2. slama sdbeq end Ikon slama dil ydheb end. Id-wd aykannd d-yaheb 'alma end ydheb end l-kon. Peace I am leaving with you. My peace I am giving to you. Not as the world gives am I giving to you. 3. la meskah-na l-metji lawtdk. I am not able to come with you. 4. sabin ennon l-mekal lehmah. They are wanting to eat bread. 5. la meskah aytaw l-memar srdrd. He is not able to speak the truth. 6. eten l- mesldk'al hade. They are coming to ask you about this. 1. sbd-nd la-mehzdkon. I want to see you. 8. w-Iaykd d-ez.al end yadin-ton. w-urha yadin atton. emar leh toma. maran Id yadin-nan l-aykd ezal att. w-aykannd meskahin-nan urha Imedda'. emar leh iso' ennd-nd urha w-srdrd w-hayye. Id nas eta l\vat_ ab ella bi. ellu yacf in-wayton ap_ l-abi yadin-wayton. w-men hdsd yadin atton leh. w- hziyton-ay. And you know to where I am going. And you know the way. Thomas said to him. Lord, we do not know where you are going. And how are we to find the way to know? Jesus said to him, "/ am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to my father except through me. If you knew me you would also know my father. And from now you (are) knowing him. And yon saw him. 9. b-had- bsabbd den et_at_ maryam magdldy b-sapid l-be[-qburd w-hzdt_ l-kepd d-sqild men qabrd. w-rehta[ et_at_ lwat_ sem'dn kepd. w-emard l-hon d-saklaw l-mdrdn men haw bet_-qburd. w-npaq sem'dn w-haw talmidd hrend. w-etin-waw l-bet_-qlmrd w- rehtin-waw tartehon akhdd. haw den talmidd rhet qadmeh l-sem'on w-etd qadmayd l-bet qburd. But on Sunday Mary Magdelene went up in the morning to the sepulcher and she saw the stone which was lifted from the tomb. And she ran up to Simon Peter. And telling them that our lord was lifted from that sepulcher. And Simon went forth and that other disciple. And they were coming to the sepulcher and the two were running together. But that disciple ran before Simon and he came the first to the sepulcher. 1 0. kad stem yawmdt_d hpctk l-hon. /To den talya pas leh b-yerusalem w-ydsep w-emeh la ida'. w-la eskah-aw w-hpak I- hon l-oreslem. w-men btjir tldtd yawmin eskah-aw b-haykld kad ydt_eb msa'td mallpdne w-sema' mennhon. When the days were over they returned (to them). But the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem but Joseph and his mother did not know. But they did not find him and they returned to Jerusalem. But after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the middle (of) teachers and listening to them. (b) 1 . btar tldtd yawmin, b-had-bsabbd. ezlat_ l-bet_-qburd w-esakhat l-kepd sqal- wa r^io-i n ^\ i-i.\ )&\\v< rx'-i t nx^j «^_i>cui rCi\A^ t^sud om \ n j rdandiA Lnr r^o 2. Ndsin sdm l-nurd b-mes'at d-ddrtd w-it_eb hddrah rh_iTXij cudJi\_j rc^inn ^\_v_iin k'tojlA cokd ^j-iit' 3. 'laymta hrat_ l-gabrd d-ezal b-me/at-hon w-yedat d-hwd t_almidd d-iso' 17 Key to Exercises 4. Layt Ihon l-meskene owwanci b-inadbici 5. Bdtar z'or kad ezal akhdii mesqcil l-kega men atjah 6. En lizetlakitbetlclk. v/\A ^U3^_j »aA )s\'ut ^_r? Lesson Fourteen (a) I . impf 3 m. pi ("they will go up") nezlon «^_cu \rdi 2. impf 3 f. sg/2 m. sg ("you will go forth") teppoq jno_a}[\ 3. impv m. sg ehod (XiiK* "seize") ncLuK' 4. impf 3 f. pi nebdycin (_i:ui "they will rejoice") «^J:ui_l 5. impf 3 m. sg nedmak («ryn:\ "he will return") irCnu 6. impf 2 f. pi te'bdcin (n~is "you will make") .^vns k\ 7. impf 1 com pi nehhon (J(UlJ "we will go down")«^_cui_i 8. Impf 2 f. sg tepleyn (nd\_2k "you will turn") «^_A°*i\ 9. impf 2 m. sg/3 f. pi tehliot (k\-»i_i "you will go down") ^\clm^ 10. impf 3 m. pi nerhtim 0&cr>\ "they will run") .^a^rma 1 1. impf 3 f. pi nebdCin (ruDrC "they will serve") «^_ap(Xli 12. impf 2 f. pi teslhan (m\.t "you will send") ^_Jiii^\ 13. impf I com pi nete (K'ivK' "we will go up") rf^rdj 14. impf 1 com sg >. ~> > mpf 2 f. sg tesalin (\rdr "you will ask") «^_jAndx^\ mpf 3 m. sg tesaq (rdrofD "he will sack") xlCD^\ mpf 3 m. sg nehze (r<"U) "he will see") rduiJ 19 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Key to Exercises mpf 3 m. sg nerdon (&:n "he will pcrsuc") aani_i mpv m. sg oto/diK" "cat!") \cu\K' mpf 3 in. sg nerham OpjjT "ho will lnvc")'7uiT_J mpf 2 I'. pi tesm'an (\ >>r "you will hear") ^ '**t \\ mpf 3 m. pi neskhun (w\3 "he will find") «^_£Uuuc_i mpf 2 f. sg tedbrin (im "you will say") «^_j\i3n^\ nipt' 3 f. pi nekj)ivn (\°\-\ "they will deny") ^JLa_xJ mpf 2 in. pi teqrlmn (_3Tjo "you will draw near") ^_cu3T_ai\ mpf 1 com sg e'ol (rC^ff "I will raise up^Aoj^rC mpv m. pi rmr ( rfift K" "go up") o)b mpf 1 com sg ettel cA&VJ "I will give").!^^ mpf 3 m. pi nenwsun (t <\ "they will stay, remain") n too, > mpf 2 m./3 f. sg f/(i»£(if\_i^n "you will die") ^\COj^\ mpf I com sg eljze (K'ui "I will see") rC\^ift' mpf 3 m. pi nect'im (rfxj "they will know") «^_o_^.t_j mpf I com sg chdel (i-un "I will fear") l^rC (b) I . Three months tlatayarhe rdiii-i rCic\Air\ 2. Ten years 'esrei snayyiirC^ix. rc'nrov 3. eight days tmanya yciwine rC^cL. PCLi_l^nif\ 4. three hours tlatascfe rx\ i' ft'^A^ 5. seven men tmanyd gabre re'^-i \^ re* . t*^ 6. nine women tsa' nesse fVf \ \j )s\ 7. the second month tmyyand yarha rdiji-j rcLi-ii^ 8. the fourth house rbi'mci bavta rc^ >~i r? is L3T 20 Key to Exercises 9. the fifth teacher hmisaya mallpana rdsA^ r^ .t i*7uj 10. the first good word qadmaya mellta tjiba rdz]k\ rt'ivlln F? .^naxi (c) 1. sabe-wa l-mesak. He wanted to go up. 2. la meskah ena l-mpas. He was not able to stay. 3. Sabjn-aw l-mhar bah. They wanted to delay in in her. 4. meskah-we[ I- mehzyeh. He is able to see him. 5. sabe bayta l-mabna. Wanting to build a house. 6. la meskah- wa l-mditta l-mezal. He was not able to go to the city. 1. la sabe l-mebad. Not wanting to perish. 8. sbi att namosa l-metar. You (are) desiring to observe the law. 9. la sba li l-metleh. Not wanting me to give him. 1 0. la sba ena le-mlektlek. I am not wanting to kill you. (d) 1. ettol \ok\PC'. 2. nedhlun ^a\si\s. 3. tedmok i/\a>n^\. 4. tebne r tht^ _,^\ ,\ ~i aW 9. La yahbei l-ak kollmeddem d-sabe (d) 1. ktebteh rois\ji(\_2. ektobeh fnuo^-anC'. 2. pqadti -,)s\\s12l. tepqodi .-\c \ nov X\ 3. prasnhon «^_Cim_lCDT-a. neproshon nmmni°i t 4. qetla[eh m)t\\Y n teqtoleh m\n\^ nV 5. rdapah rn&:n. nedropah rh^onTJ. 6. sbaqtna ^ > ■ mr tesbaqna rdunix^N. 7. nsnhnpk . -> t-inn t nensbunek ■ ■\ i-im > t 8. eskahnak i/yLnA.rrc'. neskahnak i>\ >>i-\ trt'i 9. seltoni _i_iO^\Ardr. /se/»7»'_jjcAxi!\. 10. ntanianakys^±j\\ \. nenttorak yr\\c\\ \. II. ekaltah rbk\_Linc'. tekolah chiorc'^. 12. Zwe£e/i mX\ . >-i s. tehzakv\Ui)&. 15. samtonah rfua^OiXD. tsumunah &lic£j)C\£d)&. 16. //javr/ _j^\_iUj. tehzeyni Lesson Sixteen (a) 1. kannes eimon. He gathered them. 2. sarrit l-mallapu. I began to teach. 3. esalla. I pray. 4. mallep-wa. He was teaching. 5. nmallun. "they will speak". 6. msarriyen. "beginning". 7. msalleyn. "praying" 8. mkannasu. "to assemble". 9. £a///£ ' fl/flvc. / prayed for them. 1 0. sa/t/ l-mqassayeh l-lahma. He began to break the bread. 11. sarnat Imeshak. It began to get dark. 12. naggedeh. "he beat him". 13. nebarrek Isameh. They blessed his name. 14. nallpluni. "they teach me". 15. 5fl/7v mnaggdin l-hon. They began beating them. 16. ran/'? lammallalu. I began to speak. 17. /a barrekt att. She did not bless you. 18. /<5 tjiaggdin. Do not beat. (b) 1 . fltf de/i e/waf d-msalle att. 'ol Itawwanek. w-ehod tar'ek. w-salla l-abok d- b-kesya. W-abok d-haze b-kesya nparrek b-gelya. You. however, when you pray, go into your inner room and shut your door. And pray to your father privately, and your father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly. 23 Key to Exercises 2. w-hwd d-kad hit insalle b-dukktd hdi. Kadslem. Emarleh. Had men talmidew: nun ran allepayn l-insalldyu aykanna d-ap. Ydhanndn allep l-talmidew. dinar I- hon iso'. Emart. d-insallin atton hdkannd hwayton ainrin abon db-smayyd. Netqaddas sinak. Tattd malkutak nhawwd sebydnak aykanna. d-b-smayye an b- ar'd. And while he was praying in a place he rejoiced. When he finished, he said to him. One from his disciples (said). "Master, teach us to pray just as also. John taught his disciples. Jesus says to them, "You say. When yon are praying, you are in this way saying. "Our father which (is) in heaven. May your name be blessed. May your kingdom come, you will be done just as. In heaven also in earth. 3. Sqal iso 1 ' lahmcl. W-barrek w-qsd. W-yab l-talmiddew. w-emar sob ekol hdno pagrd And Jesus took the bread. And he blessed and he broke (it) for his disciples. And he said: Take. eat. This is my body. 4. mettul hand ha end msaddar end lwat_kon nbiye xv-hakkime w-sanre. mennhon kattlin atton wzqappin atton wmennhon mnaggdin atton. b-kannustkon. W- terdpun ennon men mdina la-mdind For this, behold. I sent unto you prophets and wise men and scribes, from them killing you and crucifying yon and from them beating you. in their synagogues. And you pursued them from city to city. 5. tub den sarri-wa molten 'dl yad yamma. Etkannas Iwateh kense. saggid. Ak d- nass ntjib leh b-spittd b-yammd w-kolleh kensd qd'em. -wd 'al ai'd c al yad yamma Again, however, he was beginning teaching beside the sea. And many multitudes were gathered to him. So much so that they pressed him (to) retreat into a boat on the sea. And all his assembly rose on the earth beside the sea. Lesson Seventeen (a) I. aslini meddem. You lent me something. 1. adrekdh hessokd. He overtook darkness. 3. Ahhebayk. he loved you. 4. tahhebni. yon loved us. 5. lahhebinni. you loved us. 6. adrekaw. he overtook him. 7. Sarri l-mahhru. He began to bother me. 8. ehbet_eh. I loved her. 9. nehhtaw. he will send me down. 10. nehhikon. he will give them life. (b) I . w-emar l-hon inanu mennkon d-ayt rahnid w-nazzel Iwateh. b-[>elgnt-lelyd w-nammer leh rahnid aselin tldt. (Srisett. Mettul d-mhmd eta Iwat men urha rc- Netqaddas "may be blessed", the pattern of this verb and of etkannas below will be introduced in §19.1. 24 Key to Exercises layt. meddem d-asim leh w-haw rahmeh men l-gaww if anna w-nemar. Le. La tjihharni d-hd t_ar' a ahid-w w-benni 'ammi. b-'arsa. La end d-equm w-ettel lak And he said to them. Who from among them which there is to him a friend he went up to him. in the middle of the night. And he will say to him. My friend my lending three, loaves of bread. Because of a friend he came to me from a road, and I do not have, anything which I can give him and that his friend to the inside will answer and he will say. To him. Do not bother me. (For) lo. there he was seizing and my sons with me. in bed. I am not able to rise and give (it) to him. 2. hakannd ger alaha l-'alma aykanna d-l-breh ihidaya nettel. D-kollman d-m- haymen beh la nebad elld nehivon leh hayye d-l-alma. La tier saddar alaha I- bareh I' alma, d-nedoniaw l-'alma. Ella b-ideh. For God so loved the world. As he gave his only son. That the one believing in him will not perish but there will be to him eternal life. But God did not send his son to the world, to judge the world. But he did not give life to the world through him. 3. emar I-hon iso'. Qallil ahrin zabnd nuhra 'emkon. hlkw 'ed it l-kon nuhrd-wd. D-la hessokd nedrakkon. W-men d-mahlek b-hessoka. La ydle l-ayka kad it l-kon nuhra. Haymen b-mihra d-benaw d-nuhra tahwun. halen mallei iso' w-ezal mennhon. Jes'is said to them, "after a while the light was with you. Walk as though (you have) light. That your vow (is) darkness. And from which you are walking in darkness. Not knowing to where he is going until there is no light to them. They believe in the light. You who are my sons will be light. These (things) Jesus spoke and he went up from them. 4. man d-sema' malli w-lo natar l-hon. ena la dan end leh. La ger. ayt d-edon I- c alma. Ella d-ehha l-'alma. And whoever shall hear my words, and not obseixe them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to bring life to the world. (John 1 2:47) Lesson Eighteen (a) I . Attta d-metaqrya maryam. The woman who is called Miriam. 2. meddem d-met_qre mesha. Whatever is called oil. 3. Haw d-etemer li. That which was spoken to me. 4. malkuia d-smayya d-metdmya l-'sar btulen. The kingdom of the heaven which is like ten virgins. 5. metb'aw d-la netemar hana. It was necessary that he not say this. 6. mane d-mezdbenen. Vessels which were bought. 1 . mle metamran. Words which are being said. 8. gabre d-met_qarin kenen. Men who were called just. 9. Turn d-la metpteh. A door which was not opened. 10. gabra d-ezdqep. a man who was crucified. (b) 1 . ap_ end amar end l-kon. sel w-netjheb l-kon. b'aw w-teskhun. q w-netjiteh l- kon. koll ger d-sd' el ndseb. w-d-b'a meskah. w-dbdkes metjileh. 25 Key to Exercises So also I am saying to you: They asked and to yon. They sought and you found. Knock and it will he opened to you. For all those asking (are) receiving. And the one seeking is able. And the one knocking it will he opened to him. 2. tub sma' ton d-etemer d-rhem l-kribek. w-sni l-tf aldbdbak. end den amar end l-kon. ahheb l-b'aldbdbkon. w-barrek l-menii d-lat l-kon. w-'ebad d-sappir d- sand l-kon. w-sall 'al aynin d-dabbarin l-kon b-qtird w-radpin l-kon. aykannd d- tehwon b-noe d-abokon d-blsmayye haw d-mednah semseh 'al tabe w-'al bise. w- mhdt_ metreh 'al kene w-'al 'awwdle. And again you heard that it was said. "Love your neighbor. And hate your enemy. " But I am saying to you. Love your enemies, and bless those from the ones who are cursing you. And do what is good (unto) those which hate you. And pray for any which are leading you by force and persecuting you. That you may be children of your father who is in heaven, who causes his sun to rise upon the good and upon the wicked, and sends his rain upon the just people and upon the unjust. (Matlhew 5:43-45) 3. hayden etdme malkutd d-smayye l-'sar btulen. hennen d-nsab lampedeyn I- npaq l-ur'd hatnd w-kalltd. hammes den menhayn hakkimen-way. w-hammes saklen. w-hennen sakkaltci nsiib lampedeyn. w-ld nsdb 'amheyn meshci. hennen den hakkimtci nsdb b-mdne 'am lampedeyn. kad awhar den hatjid nam kollheyn w-dmck w-pelgeh d-lelyd dhwdt q'dtd. hd hatnd atd. puqaw l-ur' eh. hayden qdm kolhen btulte hdlen. w-taqqen lampedeyn. emam den lumen sakkaltd l-hakkimtd. habeyn Ian men meshakin deh aif'ek Ihon lampedeyn. enney hdnnen hakkimtd w- emam. l-md Id nespeq nespaq Ian w- 1 a ken. elld zallen Iwat aylen d-mezblan w- zebnen taken, w-kad ezal 1-mez.ban. Ekl hatjid. w-aylen d-metayyehn-ay 'al 'ameh l-bayt hlold. ettlied tur'd. b-hartd den ayti ap_ hdnnen btjtltd hranydtd w- emren mrdn mrdn. ptelj Ian. hu den 'nd w-amar l-hen. amen amar ennd l-ken. d- Id yaif ne Iken. Then the kingdom of heaven is like ten virgins. They who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride. But five from among them were wise. And five foolish. And the foolish ones took their lamps. And they did not take oil with them. But the wise ones took (some) in vessels with their tamps. But when the bridegroom delayed. All of them slumbered and they slept and in the middle of the night there was an outcry. Lo. the bridegroom comes, go out to meet him. Then all of these virgins stood up. And they got their lamps ready. But those foolish ones were saying to the wise ones. Sell to us from your oil. for behold, our lamps went out. those wise ones answered and were saying. Lest there is not sufficient for us and for you. But go unto those who sell, and buy for yourselves And when he went up to buy. the bridegroom came. And those who were ready went with him into the house of marriage. And he closed the door. In the end. however, also those other virgins came saying. "Lord, lord!" Open for us! But he answered and said to them. Truly I am saying to you. That I don't know you. (Matlhew 25: 1 -2) 26 Key to Exercises Lesson Nineteen (a) 1. Kense sagge d-met_kannsin. The great crowds which were being gathered together. 2. Lampedayhen d-btulata skalta mettaqqanin-waw. Their lamps which the foolish virgins were not being constituted. 3. Kolhneddem metjayyeb-wa. Everything was ready. 4. Etyallag mayya l-muse. The waters were divided for Moses. 5. La ezsahhreL I was not aware. 6. etjassi bnaynasa battehon. The men hid themselves in their houses. 1. Metb'i-i halen d-nestallmun. Having sought these which were completed. 8. Gabra d-la mezdahhar. The man which was not being aware. 9. La meskah d-netmalla hand. He did not find this which we filled. 10. Nesse d-mettassin b-gaww batjhen. Women which were hiding inside their houses. (b) 1. Iso' den hz.ah lemmeh w-l-talmida haw d-rhem-wa d-qam. w-emar I- emmeh attta. ha brek. w-emar l-talmida haw. ha emmak. w-men hay sa'ta dbarah talmida haw Iwaieh. batjir halen ida' iso 1 d-koll medem estaliam. w- dnetmalla kt_aba. emar she enna. But Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved, standing by. And he said to his mother, "Woman." Behold your son. And he said to that disciple. Behold your mother. And from that hour that disciple led her unto him. After these Jesus knew that everything was completed. And that the scripture was fulfilled. He said. "lam thirsty". (John 19:26-28) 2. w-kad etkannas rebbota d-kense saggai aykanna d-ndayysun had l-had sarri l- memar l-talmidey. litqdam ezdahhar b-npeskon hmira d-prise. d-aytaw nsab b- appe. layt den meddem d-kma d-la neggli. w-la d-mettseh d-la netiddd . Koll ger d-b-hessoka emarton b-nahhira n. w-meddem d-b-tawwane b-edne lahheston. 'al eggare netkrez. amar enna Ikon den Irehmeh. la [edhlun men aylen d-qattlin pagra. w-men bat_arken layt l-hon meddem yattir l-me'bed. And when the great many multitude was gathered together as they trampled one to another, Jesus began to speak to his disciples. First of all beware for yourselves of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. For there is nothing which hidden, as will not be revealed. And there is nothing hidden that will not be made known. For all which they say in darkness in light and whatever you whisper in the closets in the ears it will be broadcast upon rooftops. And to you, my friends, I say Do not fear from those who kill the body. And aftenvards there is nothing more for them to do. (Luke 1 2: 1 -4) 3. w-kad mepjt seda. d-et_aw harsa. hwa d-kad haw seda. Mallei haw harsa. w- etjlammar kense. nasa den menhon emar. b-lj_elzbob_ reset d-daywa meQii hana daywa. ehrena den mensin kad mensin leh ata men smayya sctel-waw. iso' den d-yade'-wa mahsbathon. emar l-hon. koll malku d-tetpallag nepsah tehrak. w- bayta d-'al w-nameh metpalleg. npal. W-en satana 'al nepseh etpallag. aykanna maklu[eh. And when he was casting out a demon that was mute, it happened that when the demon had gone, the mute (person) spoke. And the crowds were astonished. But people from among them said, "By Beelzebub, the head of demons, this 27 Key to Exercises (man) drives out evil spirits. And others, to tempt him, asked him for a sign from heaven. But Jesus knew their thoughts. He said to them. Every kingdom which is divided upon itself will he destroyed. And a house which upon itself is divided will fall. And if Satan is divided against himself how will his kingdom stand? Lesson Twenty 1 . w-seleh had men resdne wemar leh. mallpdnd tdbd. mdnd e'abbed hayye dal'dlam. dinar leh iso 1 . mdnd qdra att li tdbd. layt tdbd ellci en had alalia, puqddne yiide' att. Id tektol. w-ld tgnr. w-ld tegnob w-ld tjished sdhdutji d-surqd. yaqqar l-abok w-lemmak. dinar leh. hdlen kollhen neUet, ennen men talyutj. kad sma' den iso'. emar leh. hassird Idk. zabben kollniedem d-ayt Idk. l-meskene. w- tehwd Idk simtd b-smayye. w-td battari. hit den kad sma' hdlen. krayt leh. 'attir- wd ger tab. w-kad hzd iso 1 d-keryet_ leh. Emar. aykannd 'atld l-aylen d-ayt l-hon nekse. d-ne"lon l-malkuteh d-aldhd. dlild-y l-gamld d-b-hr d-b-hrdrd d-mhattd ne'ol. aw'attird l-malkuteh d-aldhd. dmrin leh aylen d-smaw. w- meskah l-mhd. iso' den emar. aylen d-lwat_ bnayndsd Id meskahn. lwat_ alalia meskahn l-mehaw. And one from the noblemen asked him lie said to him. Good teacher. What must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus said to him, "Why are you calling me good? No one is good except one, God. You know the commandments. You shall not kill. And you shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal and you shall not bear false witness. Honor your father and your mother. He said to him. All of these I have kept from my childhood. But when Jesus heard these (words). He said to him. You are still lacking one thing. Sell everything which there is to you. And give to the poor. And you will have treasure in heaven. And follow after me. But when he heard these. He was sad. For he was very rich. And when Jesus saw his sadness. He said. How difficult is it for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than a rich person the kingdom of God. Those who heard (him) said to him, "Who (then) finds life?" Jesus said, "Those (things) which by people cannot be, with God can be. "(Luke 18:18-27) 2. Beh b-haw yawmd qrabaw ndsd men prise, w-emren leh. puq zal Idk mekkd. mettitl d-herddes sdbe l-meqtldk. dinar l-hon iso'.zlaw emr-aw l-ta'ld hanne. d- lui mpaq end sede dswdtd'bad end yawmdnd w-inhdr. w-l-yawmd mestamld end. bram w-ld li d-yawmdnd w-mhdr es'or w-l-yawmd hrend ezal. mettul d-ld meskahd d-nbiyd nebad l-bar men oreslem. qetlat nbey w-regmat l-ayle d-slihen Iwat-dh. kind zabnin sbit l-mekinas bnayk ak tarndgultd d-kdnesd parrugdh thet geppedh. w-ld sbiton. ha mestbeq l-kon baytkon harba. dinar end l-kon ger. d-ld tehzon-ni 'dammd d-tainrun. brayk-u d-etd b-smeh d-mdryd. In that day the people came some of Pharisees and said to him. Go from here, because of Herod wants to kill you. Jesus said to them. "Go say to that fox. "Behold, I cast out demons and perform healings, today and tomorrow, and on the third day I shall be consummated. However. I must labor today and tomorrow, and on the following day I will depart, for it cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem. She killed the prophets and she stoned those who were sent to her. How many times I would have gathered her children like a 28 Key to Exercises hen which gathers her chicks below her wings, but you were not willing? Behold your house is left to you desolate. For I say to you. That you will not see me until you will say. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. (Luke 1 3:3 1 -35) 3. (26:36) Harden eta 'amhon iso' l-dukkta gedsmen. w-emar l-talmidew. tab harka. 'ad ezal esla. (26:37) w-dkar l-kepa w-letrayhon bnay zebday, w-sre I- metkinani w-l-mett'awu. (26:38) w-emar l-hon. kria-i lah l-nepsi 'damma l- mawta. Waw li harka w-sahraw 'ami. (26:39). W-pdaw w-lil. w-npal 'al appaw. w-msqlle-wa w-amar. Abi. en meskha. n'abmeh ksa hand, bram la lak d-ena sabe end la ak att. (26:40). w-ete Iwat talmidew. w-eskah ennon kad denvnakin w-emar l-kepa. hdkanna la eskahton hdd sat d-tesrom 'ami (26:41) ett'ir w-sall. d-ld to' Ion l-nesyonci. ruhd mettibd. pegrd den krih. (26:42) tub ezal d-tarten zabnen. sal w-emar. Abi. en la meskah hand ksal d-na'bar la en esteteh. 'inayhon ger yawren-way. (26:44) w-sbaw ennon w-ezal tub sli d-alt zabnen. w-lah l- mellta emar. (26:45) hayden eta Iwat talmed-aw. w-emar l-hon. dmek mekkel ettnih. ha metet sa'ta. w-breh d-ensa mestlem b-yadhon d-hatteya. (26:46) vt- wmaw nezal. ha meta haw d-meslam li. (26:36) At that time Jesus went up with them to the place of Gethsemane. And he said to his disciples. Sit here, while I go and pray. (26:37) And he took Cephas and the two sons of Zebedee. and began to be dejected and sorrowful (26:38). And he said to them. There is anguish in my soul, even unto death. Wait for me here, and watch with me. (26:39). And retiring a little, he fell on his face, and he prayed and said. My father. If it can be so, let this cup pass from me. Yet not as I choose, but as you. (26:40). And he came to his disciples, and found them asleep. And he said to Cephas. So, could you not watch with me one hour? (26:41) Wake up and pray. Lest you fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. (26:42). Again he went away a second time. And he said. My father, if it cannot be that this cup pass, except that I drink it, your will be done. (26:44) And he left them, and went again and prayed a third time, and used the same words. (26:45) At that time he came to his disciples. And he said to them. Sleep henceforth and rest. Behold the hour has come. And the son of man will be handed over into the hands of sinners. (26:46) Arise, let us go. Behold, he that betrays me has come. (Matthew 26:36-42, 44-46) 29 Key to Readings From the PsittS: Kilrozutji d-mattay The Gospel of Matthew 11:28-30 Taw Iwat kollkon layyd w-sqili mawbld. w-ena enihkon. skolaw niri 'alikon. w- yalpaw meni. d-nih ena w-makkik b-labi. w-meskahin atton nydhd l-nepsetkon. niri ger bassim-aw. w-niawbli qlild-y. Come to me all of you (who are) weary, and my burden load. And I will calm you. Take my yoke upon you. And learn from me. Because I am calm and I am humble in my heart. And you (will) find rest for your soul. But my yoke is pleasant. And my burden is light. From the Psifta: Kiirozutji d-mattay The Gospel of Matthew 7:24-27 Koll hcikel d-sme" mle hdlen w- 'ebad l-hayn. netjlammd l-gabra hakimd haw da- bnci bnd bayteh 'al sd'a. w-nljet metra. W-ehiw nahrawwahi. wa-nsab ruhe w- etjarraw belt b-baytcl haw. w-la npal. saiesew ger 'al sd'a simiin — way. w-koll men da-sni 'e mle hallen w-la 'abed lliayn. netdammd l-gabra sakld d-bna bayteh 'al hold, w-nhel metra w-ekiw nahrawwdtji. w-nsab ruhe. w-enarraw b-baytd haw. wa-npiil. W-hwdt_ mapjmlteh rabbd. Thus everyone fully hearing these and does them. He is like a wise man who builds his house upon the rock. The rain came down and the rivers rose. And the winds came up and beat against that house. And it did not fall. For his foundation was upon a rock. And everyone who has fully heard these (things) and is not doing them. He is like a foolish man who builds his house upon sand. And the rain came down and the rivers rose. And the winds came up. And they beat against that house. And it fell. And there was a great collapse. From the Psitta: Karozutji d-mattay k:a-yw Gospel of Matthew 20:1-16 Damyd ger malkutd d-smayyd l-gabra maid bayta da-npaq b-sapra. d-nagor pd'le I-karnwh. qas den 'am b-yawmd pa'Ie men dendrd. w-saddar ennon I- karnieh. w-npaq ba-tldt sayyem. w-hzd Inane d-qimeyn bsuqd wa-btileyn. w- emar l-hon. zlaw ap etjon l-karmd. w-meddem d-wdle yaheb end l-kon. hennon den ezlaw. w-npaq tub b-set wa-btsa' sd'en. wa-'bad hdkwdt w-lapjxiy hda'sre sd'en. npaq w-eskah hrdne d-qimeyn wa-btileyn. w-emar l-hon. niand qinieyn a[ton yawmd kolleh w-bajtlin. amren leh. d-ld nds egam. amar l-hon. zlaw ap atton l-karmd. w-meddem d-wdle nesbeyn atton. kad hwd den ramsd. emar marrd karma l-rab bayteh. qri pa'Ie yah l-hon agrahon. w-srd men hrend w- 'dammd l-qadmey. w-et_aw hdnon d-hda'sre sa'in. nsab dinar dinar, w-kad sqal. 'al marrd bayta wemrin. hdlen hrdyd hdd sd'a. w-esawit_ ennon 'amman d-saqln yuqreh d-yawhmd w-hummeh. hit den 'end w-emar l-had mention, habri Id me'wal bdk. Id-wa b-dinar qset_ 'ami. sabdilak wzal. sdbd end den d-l-hdnd hrid ettel ak d-ldk. aw Id slit li meddem d-sdbd end a 'bed b-dili. aw 'avnak bisd d-end 30 Key to Readings tab end. hdkannd nehwon hreya qadmeyd. w-qadmeyd hreya. sgiayn ennon ger qreyd w-z 'oren gabeya. (1) But the kingdom of heaven is like a master (man) who went forth in the morning. To hire laborers to his vineyard. (2) And he contracted with the laborers for dinar per day. And he sent them to his vineyard. (3) And he went forth in three hours. And he saw others standing in the market and being idle. And he said to them. You also go to the vineyard. And what is necessary I will give you. And they went. And again he went forth in sixth and in the ninth hour. And he did likewise. And around about the eleventh hour. He went forth and found others standing around and doing nothing. And he said to them. Why are you standing around all day and doing nothing? (7) (They) say to him. (because) nobody has hired us. (He) says to them. You also go to the vineyard. And whatever is necessary will be given you. (8) And when it was evening. The master of the vineyard said to his steward. Call the laborers, give them their wages. And commence from the last unto the first. (9) And those of the eleventh hour came. They took each a dinar.(W) And when they received (it). They complained to the master of the house, ( 1 2) and said. These last worked one hour. And you have made them equal with us, who have borne the burden of the day and its heat. He then answered and said to one from among them. My friend, I do not do ill to you. Was.it not for a dinar that you contracted with me? (14) Take your property and go. For I am wanting to give to this last as to you. ( 1 5) Or do I not have the authority (to do) whatever I want with my properly? Or (is) your eye wicked, because I (am) good?(\6) Thus the last will be first. And the first last. For many of them have been called, but few of them have been chosen. From the PSitta: men karozuta d-luqa* b:a-k From the gospel of Luke 2:1-20 Hwd den b-yawmtd hdnon w-npaq puqdanna men agustus qesar d-netktob kolleh 'amma d-uhdand. (b) hade maktbanuta qadmitd hwat b-hegmonuta d-qewrinos b-surya. (g) w-ezal-wa kollnds d-netktab b-mditteh. (d) sleq-wa den ap yosep men ndsrat mdittd d-glilaya l-ihud. l-mditteh d-dawid d-metqriyd baytlhem. mettul d-awtwi-wa men bayteh -men sarbeteh d-dawid. (h) 'am maryam mkirteh kad batnd d-tammdn netkteb. (w) w-hwd d-kad tamman ennon. Etmlyaw yawmtah d-taled. (z) w-yaldet brah bukra. W- b-'azrure b-orya. mettul d-layt-wa l-hon dukkta ayka d-srayn -waw. (h) ra'awwata den ayt-wa l-hon dukkta ayka d- sarin-wa tamman. w-nettrin mattarta d-lelya 'al mar'yathon. (t) w-ha mlaka d- etta Iwathon. w-tesbohteh d-marya anhret elihon. w-dhel dehlta rabta. (y) w- emar l-hon malaka. la tadhlon. Ha ger mesbar end l-kon hdota rabta dethwa l- kolleh 'alma, (yd) ettled l-kon ger yawmna paruka.d-it-aw marya msiha. b- mditteh d-dawid. (yb) w-hdde l-kon ata.b-skahin atton 'wella d-karrek 'old b- 'azrure w-sim b-orya. (yg) w-men sel ethzaw. 'am mlaka saggiya haylawwatd d- smayya kad mesbhin l-aidhd w-emrin. (yd) tesbohta l-alaha b-mromd. w- 'al ar'a salmd. w-sabrd tba l-bnayndsd. (yh). W-hwd d-kad ezal men Iwathon mlake. mlal r'ota had 'am had w-emren. nerde 'danxmd l-baytlhem. w-nahzd l-mellta hade d- hwat. axk d-mand awda' Ian. (vw) w-etaw msarhbd'it w-eskah l-marvim w-l- 31 Key to Readings yosep. w-l-'awwdU'i d-sim b-dryii. (yz) w-kad hzdw. l-mellta cl-etwallet 'awhon 'alaw talyii. (yh) w-kollhon d-sma'. etdammar 'al ay ten d-etmlal r'ote. (yt) Miryim den netrd-wat kollhen mle hallen. wmepl.imd belbah.(k) w-hpak r'ote hdnon kad mesbahin w-mahllin. l-allahd 'al koll d-haz w-sma ' aykannd d-etmlal 'awhon. (I) For it was in those days a decree went forth front Caesar Augustus that every person register in his jurisdiction. (2) This was the first census in the governorship of Quirinious in Syria. (3) And everyone went to enroll in his town. (4) Indeed Joseph also went up from Nazareth, (a) city of Galilee to Judea. To the city of David which is called Bethlehem. Because he was from the house and from the lineage of David. (5) With Mary his betrothed, then pregnant, to be enrolled. (6) And it happened when they were there, that her days to give birth were completed. (7) And she gave birth to her first-born son. And she wrapped in swaddling clothes. And she placed him in a manger. For there was no place where they could lodge. (8) Then there were shepherds in the place where they were stopping, (who) kept watch at night over their flocks. (9) and behold, an angel of the Lord came to them. And the glory of the Lord shone upon them. And they feared a great fear. (10) And the angel said to them. Do not be afraid. For behold. I bring to you great gladness which will be for all people. (II) For a savior has been bom to you today, who is the Lord Messiah. In the city of David. (12) And this is a sign to you. You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and being set in a manger. (13) And at once they saw. With the angel a great host of heaven, as (they were) glorifying God and saying. (14) Gloiy to God in the highest, and on earth peace. And good tidings to men. (15) and it was that when the angels went from among them to heaven. They spoke tending flocks one with another and saying. Let us go down to Bethlehem. And let us see this event which has happened. As the Lord made known to us. (16) And they went hastily. And they found Mary and to Joseph. And the baby setting in a manger. (17) And when they saw. They made known the thing which was spoken unto them concerning the child. (18) And all that they heard. They were astonished concerning what they were told them by those keeping flocks. (19) Then Mary kept laid up all these things, and stored them in her heart. (20) And the shepherds returned as (they were) glorifying God and saying. To God concerning all that they saw and heard, as it was told them. From Pseudo-Callisthenes' Legend of Alexander men Tas'ltii d-Aleksandros bar PllTpos From the Story of Alexander son of Philip Hoyden Aleksandros men tamman asqel wa-l-Maqedonya ezal. w-etcl la-thuma d-Pares. wa-sra 'al nahra Deqlat. w-Aleksandros b-izgaddut/i lwat_ Daryus ezal. 'danmid d-'al l-Bdbel. w-ekiw Pdrsaye w-awda'(w) l-Daiyus malkd. w-kad emar(w): w-Daryus kad l-Aleksandros hz.ci. etjken w-l-Aleksandros sged. mettul d-scibar (h)wci da-mhTr alalia it_aw d-etjahti. wa-l-'udranci d-Pdrsdye eta mettul d-cskemeh l-eskemcl d-aldhe msabbah (h)wCt. mettul da-klilci da-b-reseh asTr 32 Key to Readings (h)wa l-zalllqe msabbah. wa-lbusa da-lbjs hwa b-dahbd snTnd zqTr (h)wd. w- barzanqe d-ba-drd'aw b-sema tabd 'bjdjn (h)waw. w-msdnaw d-dahba. wa- qmareh men marganyatd wa-zmargde 'bjd (h)wa. w-Daryus qa'em (h)wa w-b- eskemeh metbaqqe (h)wa. w-'esrd alpTn parrase ndtray-hasseh Iwdteh qaymln (h)waw. d-nqtore dileh 'bjdjn (h)waw. hayden l-Aleksandros sa'el (h)wa. d-att man att. Aleksandros emar. izgaddd-nd d-Aleksandros. d-men Alekscwdros sllhutji ayte[ lak. w-hakannd emar: d-estawhart li qraba l-me'bad. w- Maqedondye dmiTn: d-mettul d-lebbeh d-Daryus sgel ba-qraba. 'al hade mhir la-qrabd l-meta. hasa hakel att la tqawwe. ella sloh li d-emat sabe att [p. 155] /- [aktosa l-met_a. hayden Daryus emar leh. da-lma att qnomak Aleksandros att u- la hwayt izgadda. mettul d-melle saggi Ibjba'it mmallel (h)wa Aleksandros. w-la mmallel (h)wa inha'ti ak gabrd izgadda. amar leh Daryus: end men mellayk la metjahhab-na. att hasa ak 'ydda d-izgadde sariitji qdam(y) I 'as. mettul d-ap Aleksandros h-izgadde dil(y) hakan 'bad. hayden Ddnus b-'arseh agges (h)wa. w-heraw w-rawrbanaw qdamaw estmekfw). wa-l-qubleh d-Daryus Aleksandros d-hawe izgadda. wa-bnaynasa kollhon tammihm (h)waw beh. da-b-pagreh z'or (h)wa. w-mellaw harripdn (h)way. w-kad l'as(w). hamra b'aw. w-Aleksandros koll mana d-dahba d-awset(w) leh. hamra 'al ar'aesad(h)wa. w-mane b-hanneh sd'em (h)wa. hayden kad hzaw d-mana 'abed. l-Daryus awda' (h)waw. n- Daryus kad sma'. men 'arseh qam. wa-lwdt Aleksandros e[d w-emar leh. d-d 'abed neshdne. mettul mana d-ak halen 'abed att. d-kollhon mane d-mastya b- hannak sdmt. Aleksandros emar. mettul d-kad mar(y) Aleksandros ema[ d-saruta l-heraw 'abed (h)wa. kollhon manay mastya d-dahba l-hon yaheb (h)wa. dp end sabbret d-ap beh ba-znd 'abed att. ella hasa en layt lak d-ak hand 'yada. ha manay mastyd qdamayk. pqod w-dahbak m 'attep-nd lak. hayden Daryus emar. dp end peqdet d-dahbdk Iwdtjik narmondy. w-Pdrsaye kolhon b-Aleksandros hayrJn (h)waw. w-kad tammihin (h)waw mettul d-mellaw hayltanydn (h)way w- malydn ida't_d. kad hakel men marawwdtji had. d-itaw (h)wd Pusdq smeh: d-men qdem b-izgaddiiia men Daryus l-Maqedonyd estaddar (h)wa lwdt_ Pilipos abu d- Aleksandros: w-kad b-Aleksandros [p. 156] hattltd'i[ etbaqqi yad'eh (h)wd. wa- b-lessand pdrsdyd l-Daryus emar (h)wa. o 'dbedtdbatji Daryus malkd. pqod da- l-hdna izgadda b-ndtordtd zhird'H nnqttrun. mettul d-huyu qnomeh d- Aleksandros. w-men hzdteh ydda'-nd leh w-mestakkal-na. hayden kad Daryus w- heraw w-rawrbdnaw sma'(w). sarri(w) had 'am had la-mmalldlu w-b- Aleksandros metbaqqeyn (h)waw. hayden Aleksandros Ida', w-men bet mestutjt qam. wa-l-tar'a d-malkd swar. 'am hdnon kollhon manay dahba da-b-hanneh ahid (h)wd. w- 'al tar'd d-bet malkd gabrd had nqtord eskah. kad b-ideh qaysd d- arza had kad dleq ahid me mdittdh: koll mdittd aydd d-'dlld (h)wdt Idh: la-hzdnl d-bartjih hdbsin (h)waw ndsd d-nehzdn. w-kad 'allot l-R(h)dme: esta"yat_ qdam Qlawdiyos Qesar [p. 162] koll hen hdlen d- est'or (h)way sedeh: d-aykan mitat bailah \\-bdt_arken hyot w-kad sma' (h)wa Qesar hdlen: pqad (l\)wa d-neppqun kollhon y(h)uddye men R(h)ome u-men and d-ltalyd. kad b-kolleh atj_d haw sii'rdnd hand metjnallal (h)wd men saggi'e: wa-qddm Sem'on Kep_d esta"yat (h)wdt_ hi Pmtoniqe tedniiirta hade: w- koll meddem d-s'ar (h)waw slihe habraw. w-qddm kollnds makjzin (h)waw: d- nesm'nn an aylen d-ld sma'(w) w-ida'(w): w-nedd'un aylen da-b-idan s'ar w- sd 'or Mdian galyd 'it: d-nestabbah smeh d-Mdran men kollnds I- 'dlam 'dlmJn: amen. hdlen hdkel da-Uiayt ennon qddmaykon: d-tedd'un w-t_etbayyniin da-kmd rabbd hayinmtteh da-Msihd: l-aylen da-nqipjn leh sarrird'it. dQ Ya'qdb den mdabbrdna d-'edtd d-Oreslem: haw d-hu b-'aynaw hzd l-su'rdnd hand: hit an katbeh w-saddreh la-slihe habraw: la-mdittd d-it (h)way b-at_rawwdt_hon. w-dp_ hennon slihe kttibfw) w-awdo'(w) I- Ya'qdb kollmeddem da-'bad Msihd b- idayhon: w-met_qreyn (h)waw qdam kolleh kensd d-'edtd wa-qddm kolleh 'ammo, sldmd. After the ascension of Our Lord Jesns into heaven, at the time when Simon Peter went to Rome and preached there the word of God. he was heard by Protonice. the wife of Claudius Caesar, the one whom Tiberius made second in his kingdom when he went to fight with the Spaniards who had revolted against him. This woman, then, while Simon was in Rome, saw the miracles of amazing powers that he did in the name of Our Lord Christ. She renounced the paganism of her fathers which she practiced and the idols of paganism which she worshiped, and she believed in Christ Our Lord and worshiped him along with all those who followed Simon, and she held him in great honor, [p. 158] After this she wanted to see Jerusalem and those places in which the amazing and marvelous powers of Our Lord Jesus Christ had been done. She arose earnestly and went down from Rome to Jerusalem, she and two sons with her and one virgin daughter. When she was about to enter Jerusalem, all the city heard (of her approach] and went out to greet her. and they received her with great honor, as for the queen, the lady of the land belonging to the Empire of the Romans. At that time Jacob had been made the leader and commander of the city in the church that had been built for us there in Jerusalem. When he heard why she had come there, he arose at once and went to her. He came to her where she was staying, in the great palace of the kings of the House of Herod. When she saw him. she received him with great gladness, as she had /received] Simon Peter. He too, like Simon, showed her powers of healing. She said to him. "Show me Golgotha, where Our Lord Christ was crucified, and the 38 Key to Readings wood of the cross on which he was raised by the Jews, and the tomb in which he was placed. " Then Jacob said to her, "These three which Your Majesty wants to see are under the control of the Jews, and they have seized them. They do not let us go and pray there before Golgotha and the tomb. Neither do they want to give us the wood of the cross. Not only this, but also they persecute us so that we not preach or spread the word in the name of Christ, and very many times they imprison us in prison. When Protonice heard these things, she immediately gave a command, and they brought before her Huniah son of Hannan the priest, Gedaliah son of Caiaphas, and Judah son of Shalom, the chief of the Jews. To them she said, "Hand over Golgotha, the tomb, and the wood of the cross to Jacob and to those who follow him. Let no one prevent them from serving there in accordance with the customs of their service. " When [p. 159] she had commanded thus to the priests, she arose and went to see those places and to hand over that place to Jacob and those who were with him. Afterwards she entered the tomb of Our Lord, and she found inside the tomb three crosses: one of Our Lord and two of those thieves who were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left. As soon as the queen and her sons entered the tomb, her virgin daughter immediately fell down and died without disease, sickness, or malady of any kind. When Protonice saw that her daughter had died suddenly, she knelt down in prayer and weeping, and she prayed inside the tomb and spoke thus: "The Messiah who gave himself to death for all people and was crucified in this place and was placed in this tomb arose like God, the giver of life to all, and caused many to arise with him. Let not the crucifying Jews and lost pagans hear — those whose idols, carvings, and pagan fear I have renounced — and let them not rejoice in me and mock me and say that all this that has happened was because she renounced the gods she had worshiped and confessed a Messiah she knew not and went to honor the place of his tomb and crucifixion. If I am not worthy to be heard because I have worshiped creatures instead of You, have pity for the sake of your worshiped name lest they revile this place as they reviled you by crucifying you. " And as she was saying these things in prayer, her elder son approached her and said to her, "Hear what 1 say to Your Majesty. I think in my mind and thought that the sudden death of this my sister is not in vain, but this is a marvelous deed by which God is praised and not something by which he is reviled, as those who heard of this thought. Here we have come into this tomb of Christ, and we have found three crosses. We do not know which of them is the cross on which Christ was raised. Now, by the death of this my sister [p. 160] we are able to see and learn which is the cross of Christ. He does not neglect those who believe in him. " Queen Protonice, whose soul was very bitter at that time, rejoiced in her mind and in her wisdom because her son had spoken these things in truth and righteousness. Suddenly she approached and picked one of the crosses up in her hands and placed it on the body of her daughter, which was lying before her. In prayer she said, "O Messiah who showed amazing powers in this place, as we have heard and believe, if this cross is yours. Lord, and upon this one was raised your humanity by the arrogant, show the great and increasing power of your divinity, which is one with your humanity, and bring 39 Key to Readings this my daughter to life that she may arise and we may glorify your name through her when her soul returns to her body and so that your crucifiers may he confounded. " She waited a long time after saying these things, and then she removed the cross from her daughter's body and placed another. Again she said in prayer. "O God, at whose sign worlds and creatures exist and who desires life for all people who turn to him, and who does not neglect the entreaty of those who entreat him, if this cross is yours. Lord, show the power of your victories as you are accustomed to do and bring to life this my daughter. Let her arise, let the pagans who worship creatures instead of you be confounded, and let the true believers confess as they open their mouths to praise you before those who disbelieve in you. " And again she waited a long time, and then she removed the second cross from her daughter and placed on her the third. As she was about to raise her eyes to heaven and open her mouth in prayer, immediately and at once, in the twinkling of an eye. as soon as this cross came near her daughter's body, she came to life at once and stood up, praising Christ, who had brought her to life through his cross. When Queen Protonice saw how her daughter had come to life, she was very terrified and frightened, but she praised the Messiah in whom she believed, [p. 161] who is the son of the living God. Her son said to her, "Did you see, my lady, that if this had not happened today, perhaps we would have left this the Messiah 's cross, by which my sister has come to life, and taken and honored one of those thieving murderers. But now we see and rejoice in this one. and God, who has done this thing, is even more glorified thereby. " Queen Protonice picked up Christ's cross and gave it to Jacob so that it could be kept in great honor, and she ordered that a great and glorious building be built over Golgotha and the tomb, that these places of the cross and tomb be honored and that there be there an assembly hall for the congregation of service. Then, when the queen saw that all the people of the city had gathered to see this thing, she commanded that her daughter go out with her openly without the veil of honor of queens to the palace of the king where she was staying, so that everyone could see and praise God. The Jews and pagans who had rejoiced at the beginning of this affair were saddened by the end of the affair. They would have been very happy had this not happened, for they saw many of them believing in the Messiah. Many were the signs and miracles that happened after his ascension — more than those that had happened before his ascension. The renown of this event went to far-away places and to all the apostles who were spreading the word of the Messiah. And there was peace in the church in Jerusalem and in the cities around it. Those who had not seen this sign praised God together with those who had seen it. And when Queen Protonice departed from Jerusalem for her city, Rome, I in I every city she entered people gathered to see her daughter. When she entered Rome she related to Claudius Caesar [p. 162] all those things that had been done in her sight: how her daughter had died and then came to life. When Caesar heard these things, he ordered that all the Jews leave Rome and Italy. Since in every place this event was spoken of by many, and Protonice related this miracle to Simon Peter and everything that the apostles his friends had done, and they preached before everyone in order that those who had not heard or 40 Key to Readings known might hear and know those things that Our Lord has done and does openly through our hands in order that the name of Our Lord may be praised by all people for ever and ever. Amen. These things that I have related to you are that you may know and reflect how great faith in the Messiah is for those who believe in him truly. Jacob, the leader of the church in Jerusalem, who saw this event with his own eyes, also wrote it and sent it to his friends the apostles in the cities in which they were. The apostles too wrote and made known to Jacob everything that the Messiah had done through their hands, and they were read out before eveiy congregation of the church and before all the people. Peace. The Teaching of the Apostle Thaddeus MallQflnata d-Adday SlihCt B-satta tldtmd w-arb'in wa-t_ldt_ l-malkiltd d-Yawndye wa-b-malku[eh d-Mdran Tibenos Qesar d-R(h)dmdye wa-b-malku[eh d-Abgar malka bar Ma 'nu malkd b- irah tesri qdem b-yawm tre'sar: saddar (h)wd Abgar Ukdmd l-Maryab w-Ia- Smesgram: resdne wa-myaqqre d-malkut_eh: wa-l-Hanndn Tabbulara sarrird 'amhon: [p. 163] la-mdittd aydd d-metqaiyd Elewtjrdpolis w-armd'it_ den Bet, Gubrin: lwdt_ myaqqra Sebinos bar Ewstargis Apitrdpd d-mdran Qesar: haw d- hu slit (h)wd 'al Suiya w-'al Puniqe w-'al Palestine w-'al atja kolleh d-Bet Nahrin. w-awbel(w) (h)waw leh eggrata mettul sebwata d-malkuta: w-kad ezal(w) (h)waw Iwateh qabbel (h)wa ennon b-hezwata w-b-iqara. wa-hwaw Iwateh yawmat_a 'esrin w-hamsa. wa-kuib (h)wa l-hon pehma d-eggrat_a w- saddar (h)wa ennon lwat_ Abgar. malka. w-kad ngaq(w) (h)waw men Iwateh. hzaq(w) (h)waw w-et_aw b-urha l-qubal Oreslem. wa-hzaw (h)waw nasa saggi'a d-ateyn (h)waw men ruhqa: d-nehzon la-Msiha: mettul da-ngaq (h)watebba d- ledmrata d-neshanaw b-at_rawwat_a mab'de. w-kad hzaw l-nasa hanon Maryab wa-Smesgram w-Hannan Tabbulara: etaw (h)waw ap_ hanon 'amhon l-Oreslem. w-kad 'al(w) (h)waw l-Oreslem: hza'u (h)waw la-Msiha wa-hdi(w) 'am kense d- laweyn (h)waw leh. w-hzaw (h)waw ap. l-y(h)udaye: d-qaymin (h)waw kensin kensin: w-methassbin (h)waw d-mana ne'bdun leh. m'aqin (h)waw ger: d- hazeyn (h)waw d-suga d-nasuta d-mennhon mawdeyn (h)waw beh. wa-hwaw tamman b-Oreslem yawmata 'esre. w-ktab (h)wa Hannan Tabbulara kollmeddem d-haze (h)wa d-'asar (h)wa Msiha: dp sarka d-meddem da-'bid (h)wa leh tamman: (h)waw qdam d-nezlun 1-tamman: wa-hzaq(w) (h)waw w- etjxw (h)waw l-Urhay. w-'al(w) (h).waw qdam Abgar malka marhon d-saddar (h)wa ennon. w-yabjw) (h)waw leh pehma d-eggrat_a d-awbel(w) (h)waw 'amhon. w-men batar d-et_qri (h)way eggratjH: sarri(w) (h)wawd-nesta"on qdam malka koll meddem da-hzaw: w-koll meddem da- 'bad (h)wa Msiha b-Oreslem. wa-qra (h)wa Hannan Tabbulara qdamaw koll meddem da-ktab (h)wa w-ayti 'ammeh. w-kad sma' (h)wd Abgar malka: tmah (h)wa w-etdammar: dp rawrbdnaw d-qdymin (h)waw qdamaw. w-emar l-hon Abgar. hdlen hayle la hwaw da-bnay nasa: mettul d-layt d-nahhe mite elld d-alahd balhod. sdbe (h)wd den Abgar: d-hu qnomeh ne'bar